Reading For Y/N

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Once I got home, I knew that I needed to read those Wattpad stories.

I typed in every word I could remember from the story I read over his shoulder, and found the original.

It was about a shy guy and a jock dating. I studied the jock's behavior, planning to mimic it. I will become Y/N's ideal!

This guy is the cutest thing ever, and I want to protect him from all the dangers of the world!

I want to work a long hard job, and come home to that sweet ass...

I snap myself out of my fantasy, and the fantasy of Y/N in an apron...ONLY an apron...and get back to work studying this jock guy.

He has jet black hair, and I don't. I'll have to fix that tomorrow, the store's closed now. He's tough, I...can be. And he's strong, which I'm not bad at. I'm pretty strong. I mean, I'm no body builder, but I can pick Y/N up!

As for "Y/N" in the book, I hate him. He's not like MY Y/N at all! What a horrible character! Why would Y/N read this garbage?!

I finish the book, and finish my note taking. Now what? I have no idea what else Y/N likes to read! So...I go with the next recommended story.

"Male Yandere x male reader."

Huh. I wonder what a yandere is.

I read the story, and instantly, the love interest is finally relatable! He has hair like me and eyes like me and he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone for his Y/N.

If that's what a yandere is, then that's me all the way! This Y/N isn't like my Y/N either, so I move on to the next story.

"The bad boy is gay?!?!?! 18+ NSFW no minors allowed MXM WITH LEMON!!!"


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