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PERSEPHONE (Portayed As Britani "Paige" Knight; A/N: Thank You Paige) have been missing ever since the fatal backlash and severe criticism on her from her loved ones. She gave up on her wrestling career by quitting on national television, attempted suicide right inside her locker room when the segment was still live, and lost all of her emotions and feelings for life in one whole day. Persephone left WWE to join TNA with a brand new goal and purpose in life: bitter sweet revenge.

Her family was there for her and was willing to protect the Angel of Darkness from her current rivals that once were her best friends. Her former allies are her arch enemies that tried to finish her career and fame, but the Knight Dynasty got the big guns and are ready to take complete control over the company. The Knight Dynasty may have bought this industry out of their money, but the McMahon Regime have been owning this business and all of their brands for years.

The McMahon Regime thinks that they're the bosses, which led to the their hush deals and ring affairs being exposed by the Knight Dynasty on live national television worldwide. The Knights also brought up the contract and other document copies that states the McMahons don't own WWE at all. It leads to the biggest company battle between two famous legendary families with legacies and next generational era stars.

Persephone became Paige Knight, her alter ego from her inner demons and went dark on her late peers. She doesn't care for love, all she wants is blood and guts. Her family wants to rip some flesh and break some bones with lethal weapons, leading to the comeback of their reality show premiering on TV.

The last straw was when she got arrested on purpose by the cops and was immediately taken into prison for things she never did in her whole life. The police never gave her any apologies and felt guilty after she passed all of their polygraph tests with flying colors. Persephone quits her job and was sick of being a professional wrestler that she then attempted suicide right inside her locker room.

The Authority knew that they went way too personal and lost a young hard-working independent woman to their evil plans. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have no choice but to confess about everything they've done to her on live TV. Paige never returned to WWE since then and went missing by going ghosted away from the public eye as a social outcast.

Paige went far away north nearby the country of Canada in the state of Alaska, where she was seeking immediate treatment and told her background story about how the truth got out at last when she left WWE. She was never spotted cause her aunt and uncle would give her some headgear to disguise herself as a local person. Paige have made contact with her family, band mates, rock star buddies, celebrity friends, and mentors only to let them know how she's holding up in rehab.

Her family works for TNA, meaning only that business company knew where she was staying and hiding in isolation. WWE wants to know where their Angel of Darkness has been doing and what they need to do for her, so that they can have her back in their brands agains for good. Paige comes back to Los Angeles with a vintage style put upon her brand new sexy looks and hot badass savage clothing she got on wherever she goes.

Paige got herself back in shape without surgeries and injections on her body. Her aunt gave her all of her own organic treatments from head to toe, her uncle gave her tons of military workouts, her mother gave her tons of yoga sessons, her father placed her inside the fitness center, her brothers got her into the local gyms, her sister took the hottest deserts for a long jog down the hills, and many more people was there to support her. Paige gave her career a second try and let Chyna Doll become her private manager that holds her contract with the metallic grip of an iron fist.

The Knight Dynasty then formed the Rebellion and got two WWE legends to become the commanders of the silver wolves: Chyna Doll and Kurt Angle. With Paige being visible through social media to walking out in the public for the fans, WWE saw how much Paige have changed and were shocked to see her look dangerous as a gothic beauty. To her band "The Devil Within" and their cover albums, fans were ready to welcome her back with heavy metal as fallen angels of the rock star for her vampire glamour.

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