3. Will the Love come?

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*3 Months later, Lizsa and Gakuhō made it to best Friend*
*they haven't talked about Gakuhō loving Lizsa and just became best Friends, but Gakuhō still loving Lizsa*
*in his Office*
Gakuhō: Hey
Lizsa: Hey
Gakuhō: How are you?
Lizsa: Oh i'm good you?
Gakuhō: Yea me too. What about Ren mocking you?
Lizsa: He Didn't really pay attention at first but then he was very interested after getting to know my Teaching Style.
Gakuhō: Fine, what about Okajima, he's a pretty lustily one.? I don't really like that, because he's a Student.
Lizsa: Oh its alright. After Korosensei talked to him, Okajima went fine.
Gakuhō: Alright.. are you happy with your Payment?
Lizsa: Yes, but its still too much for me. Can we make it less?
Gakuhō: Nah.. That wouldn't be good in my Eyes.
Lizsa: Alright. I'm glad we at least kept the Friendship.
Gakuhō: Oh yea. *thinks: Nah i still love you.*
Lizsa: Well can i have some Holiday the next 2 Weeks? Theres already a Flight.
Gakuhō: Fine, but with Payment.
Lizsa: Oh come on no.
Gakuhō: Oh come on yes.
Lizsa: *laughs* Ok, i see you are very stubborn about that.
Gakuhō: Exactly! *smiles*
Lizsa: You... *laughs more*
Gakuhō: I what?
Lizsa: Baka.😂🤣
Gakuhō: *smirks* Alright then.
Lizsa: Is it ok i go on a Walk now in the Forrest of the Hill of the 3E Hill?
Gakuhō: Why?
Lizsa: I don't really feel well, guess some Nature and fresh Air could help.
Gakuhō: I Can't guarantee any of my Workers to be sick, *smiles more* Just go.🥰😄😁
Lizsa: Arigatō! *leaves*
Gakuhō: Well now i'll see how everything's doing. *goes to all Classes and then goes outside* *sees a Paper and picks it up*
Paper: *it was a Photo with Lizsa and a Knife pointing at her*
Gakuhō: NANI!? *goes to the Forrest on the Hill and trys to find Lizsa* *thinks: I couldn't live without her!* *runs and searches for Lizsa more* LIZSA!?!?!
*Gakuhō walked on a Small Hill in the Forrest and saw Lizsa walking*
Gakuhō: LIZSA!!!
Lizsa: Huh?? Nani?
*a Random Guy with a Knife ran past Lizsa and wanted to stab her with the Knife*
Gakuhō: *thinks: NO!* *runs on front of Lizsa and gets stabbed instead of her.*
*he fell down and the Guy ran off*
Lizsa: Gakuhō!! *sits next to him and calls a Doctor*
Gakuhō: *bleeding while laying down* I.. went to check if everything is fine, i went to all classes, and then i went outside, I saw a Picture of you and a Knife pointing at you. I cou...- *faints*
Lizsa: *meanwhile started crying* Gakuhō!!!!😭
*Lizsa took the Pic from him, then some ambulance came and took him to a Hospital.*
*Lizsa came back and took Lei and Gakushū in Gakuhō's Office*
Gakushū: Hm? What happend now? Is Father again on one of his ,,his teaching is the only right way" Trips?
Lei: Gakushū... she's crying you Dork!
Gakushū: Oh..
Lizsa: I went on a Walk because i Didn't feel well. Gakuhō went to check all Classes, you should know. Then he went outside to check if everything is fine... he found a Paper and it was a Picture with a Knife pointing at me. Then he ran to the Place i went and yelled my Name.. i was wondering what was the Matter. And then suddenly a random Guy wanted to stab me and Gakuhō went in front of me and got stabbed instead... Then the ambulance Came and took him to a Hospital...
Gakushū: Father......
Lei: Oh no...
Lizsa: And i just realize now too finally, that i love him too, if he still loves me. Couldn't have i realized that earlier?
Gakushū: But its not your Fault, in real, you realized it already by calling him attractive and imagine certain Situations. Just saying. You just think now, that its your Fault and that you maybe could've prevented it if you confessed to him earlier.
Lei: Mom, he's right.
Lizsa: Maybe. I'll go to him alone, you firstly finish the Lessons..
Lei: Hai.
Gakushū: Hai
*then Lizsa went to the Hospital and stood in front of Gakuhō's Door*
Lizsa: Damn i..-
Gakuhō: *hears the Voice* Lizsa? Come in!
Lizsa: *comes in* Hey... *Sits next to him* You wear your Suit?
Gakuhō: The Doctors Said its fine as long as i don't rip off the Bandages.
Lizsa: Why did you...?
Gakuhō: Because you're a great and special Person for me, really! And everyone deserves to live, but only special Persons i'd rescue like that. Also i saw no other Way.
Lizsa: Great and special?
Gakuhō: That was one Reason.. the other Reason is because I still love you.❤️
Lizsa: Gakuhō...
Gakuhō: Yea.. and what i wanted to say before i fainted is..: I couldn't live without you. I rather put my Life on the Line than risking yours!
Lizsa: I'm sorry for this..
Gakuhō: Hm?
Lizsa: I realized in that Situation, I love you too.❤️ Gakushū said maybe i realized it way earlier by calling you attractive or imagine certain Situations.. and now i know he's right. I love you too!❤️ Since we first met, but it Wasn't that clear to me to that Time, that's because i told Lei no, as she asked me if i like you. Thats why i feel so guilty.. i could've prevented this all maybe... just maybe... i could've... *wipes Tears*
Gakuhō: Lizsa. Its Alright, its good to me if i die protecting you because I love you.❤️ And Gakushū has found good Words. And its fine that you didn't said it earlier, its up to you if you tell it to me and and i respect that. Lets talk about everything together when i'm healthy again ok? Maybe we can be together Then too. *smiles*
Lizsa: Yea.
Gakuhō: I love you!❤️ You are my Queen, my Everything, my beautiful Everything!💕 You are one of the best Thing, what has ever happend to me!💗 I would do anything for you!💓 I love you!❤️
Lizsa: I love you too!❤️ *kisses him and runs off*
Gakuhō: *thinks: Aaaahhh!😍*
*Lizsa talked to Lei and Gakushū and then she, Lei, Gakushū talked with Gakuhō by a Video Call, but Gakuhō and Lizsa Didn't tell what happend in the Hospital Room Exactly!*

Words: 1048
Posted: 4th July 2022 (HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!🥳👍)
Reading Time: 5 Minutes (in all 15 Minutes)

Gakuhō Asano xX LizsaWhere stories live. Discover now