4. She and Him

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*1 Month later, Gakuhō was healthy and the wound was healed*
*He was already working again as Lizsa came into this Office*
Gakuhō: Hm?
Lizsa: After all what happend, You said we can talk if you're healthy again? I would like to do that now.
Gakuhō: Yes. Yes we can. *puts the Papers down in my Desk* What you walked to talk about?
Lizsa: First of all: How are you?
Gakuhō: Oh i'm pretty good, what about you? How are you?
Lizsa: Oh thanks i'm good. You.. care for me, even tho that happend?
Gakuhō: Because i still love you.❤️ Thats also why i risked my Life to save yours.
Lizsa: But Gakuhō... my Life is...
Gakuhō: No your Life Isn't less worth. *stands up and goes close to Lizsa, takes her Hands* Lets say our both Lives are Worthy.
Lizsa: G...-
Gakuhō: Lizsa I love you!❤️ You are my One and Only!💓 I'll love you forever!💕 You and this Family is/are the Sense of my Life and my Life!💘 I couldn't ever imagine a World without you!💗 I love you and Only You!💞❤️ I love you so much!❤️ You are the Love of my Life!😍 I LOVE YOU!❤️😍 *kisses Lizsa*
Lizsa: *replies the Kiss softly*
*they both backed off*
Lizsa: So i guess we are officially in a Relationship now?
Gakuhō: *smiles* Yea and i'm happy about that.
Lizsa: Me too. When we should tell Gakushū and Lei?
Gakuhō: First of all lets see how this Relationship works?
Lizsa: Works..?
Gakuhō: I don't mean in negative, but to get to know this ,,being in a Relationship" Fact and to find our own Rhythm.
Lizsa: But what do we tell them then if they ask? How should we react? What should we say? A Lie? The Truth? What should we do if they threat to find out?
Gakuhō: *smirks*
Lizsa: Hey what?
Gakuhō: This is one of the Things i love on you.
Lizsa: Eh what Thing?
Gakuhō: You're thinking about all this, meaning you want to make everyone happy. Yea I really love this. *smiles*
Lizsa: Thanks!
Gakuhō: Sure!
Lizsa: So what we gonna do now? When should we tell them?
Gakuhō: I don't know, lets see how this Relationship works.
Lizsa: Ok Alright then.
Gakuhō: But i'm sure, everything will be fine and they accept it too. *sits back at my Chair, leaning my elbows on the Table, folding my Hands* Well now i would like to talk about Your Job as Teacher since i hired you.
Lizsa: Um ok?
Gakuhō: You're as Perfect as Aguri Sensei. Did Korosensei already told you the whole Package of his Past till now?
Lizsa: Mhm yes, everything! Aguri seemed nice.
Gakuhō: She was a really great Teacher. You reflect her Passion for Teaching just in your own Way. I mean your Ways of Teaching reminded me of Aguri Senseis Way and Passion.
Lizsa: Alright cool. But you sounded so negative when you started this Conversation.
Gakuhō: Yea... theres really a Point. I wish i said this before we got together but i immediately wanted to be with you.
Lizsa: Ehm ok.. continue.
Gakuhō: You haven't tried killing Korosensei once in these 4 Months, that you work here when you're with the 3E.
Lizsa: Sorry, but its not in my nature to do so.
Gakuhō: I know, thats why i made a Deal with the 3E. You help them preparing and they attack.
Lizsa: Yea Alright.
Gakuhō: Now lets come back to the great Part.
Lizsa: Huh?
Gakuhō: *stands up and goes to Lizsa* *grabs her face softly* I love you!❤️
Lizsa: I love you too!❤️ *holds his Hands and smiles*
*then they kissed and spent a successful Day at Work and in private Together without anyone noticing they were a Couple.*

Words: 631
Posted: 5th July 2022.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes (in all 18 Minutes)

Gakuhō Asano xX LizsaWhere stories live. Discover now