ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: ᴘᴀɪɴ

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Please read the new warning on the description of the fanfic!

Muzan found enjoyment in seeing Tanjiro suffer, which is why his memories were kept, if he has memories of a human, he wouldn't do anything of a demon, so when he does, Muzan finds it amusing to watch. Muzan had been told by Akaza of Tanjiro's strengths, and the ability he used when he attacked him. 

"He gave a good kick, and he probably used his blood demon art, which burned me quite bad, it felt like sunlight"

When Muzan was told this, he got scared a little, he remembered that Tanjiro could use sun breathing, the breathing that Yorrichi, or Muzan would call him 'the monster' used, which made Muzan make sure he never got his blade back, he could cause so many problems for the demons here. Though it did make Muzan interested in Tanjiro's blood demon art and his abilities, since he is a sun breather...Muzan had told the demons to make Tanjiro eat, but they never succeeded since he always ran away, disobeyed, and refused.

"Has he eaten anything yet?"

Muzan said irritated, he didnt have to want to force him to eat, that was a waste of time

"No, he would never obey"

Akaza told Muzan

Muzan was annoyed, how much willpower does he have? As a demon, it is nearly impossible to resist food if in front of them, especially of they're hungry.

"Well then, force him, hold him down and feed him flesh, if he wont obey, then force is the only way"

"Very well, Muzan-sama"

Tanjiro stayed in his room, he didn't feel comfortable with the uppermoons or any demon really, the way they would all just talk about eating humans, or torturing humans—some even had a collection of human limbs, although Tanjiro felt as he wanted to puke when he saw it, but his mouth only watered which made him feel disgusted, he never interacted with demons unless the uppermoons came and talked to him. Recently, for the past few days, they had been trying to make him eat, he was starving, but he didnt want to become even more of a monster than he already is.

"All demons are A-holes..."

Tanjiro thought to himself, he too was a demon though...he then sensed uppermoon 2 and 3 heading to his room, his sense of smell had gotten way stronger and he could smell so much better...but it was a disadvantage now, as he could smell an intense scent of blood along with the uppermoons, he held his nose to try and cover it, but it was no help...

Akaza and Douma then both came through Tanjiro's room, he sensed something was wrong...Akaza held Tanjiro's arms so he couldn't attack or escape, which surprised Tanjiro, he never expected this—

Douma shoved a handfull of human flesh in his mouth, Tanjiro tried to resist it, but he swallowed the flesh, he was let go by Akaza and he fell to the ground, gagging, trying to throw up the flesh he had just consumed.

"Tasty, wasn't it~eh?"

Tanjiro looked up and saw Douma with a sadistic smile

"Muzan-sama ordered us to force you to eat...since you wouldn't do it yourself..."

Douma said to Tanjiro

"I-I'm sorry Nezuko...I'm sorry, Kanao...sorry everyone...I cant help myself..."

Tanjiro said to himself, the flesh tasted good, he was starving, no! He'd never eat a human...willingly at least...

Douma looked at Tanjiro and came up with a great idea

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