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The table swarmed in silence when a voice cut in, eyes shifting to the male as surprise and curiosity visibly glowed.

Donghyuck, however, has his attention fixated on the girl. A few seconds after his silence, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"May I have a word."

With neither a question nor a request in his tone, Gayoon flickered her gaze at the others first before turning to the male with a nod.

"Mm sure"

Gayoon just silently followed him from behind.

Her grip on her tote bag tightens every second, thinking about what he was supposed to say—or will he even say anything?

Donghyuck is just the same. He walks forward on the path where his feet are taking him, not really knowing where to go or what to even say.

Funny, because his approach is merely sudden and demanding, but look at him now, regretting what he had done.

"Where are we really going?" Gayoon called out. "We're heading to the parking lot, if you're even aware."

Donghyuck halted and turned to her with a raised brow.

"Uh, it seems like you don't even know where to go."

"I know"

"Then are we heading somewhere outside school? Or will we secretly talk in the parking lot?"

"Why, do you want to go back there?"

"If I could, I would. Besides, I still have major classes to attend."

"What are you taking?"

"Legal Management, why?"

"That's why you're actually talkative."

"I want answers here, Attorney Lee."

A small smirk formed on Donghyuck's lips, looking at the girl with a glint of amusement in his eyes, and damn did Gayoon find it attractive.

She wonders if Donghyuck knows that he has that effect on him—a fire to his pride.

She doesn't know if it's actually born naturally for him—a flirtatious act. He's good at it.

Gayoon isn't sure if all the compliments swarming in her brain are just the soulmate bond working, or if this is just who the male is.

"I don't want you smiling so brightly at that green-haired kid."

"Green hair—Yangyang?"

"Is that his name?"

Gayoon scoffed. "And what's your point?"

"Vida, you already know." Donghyuck hummed and bent over to align their eyes. "You're technically mine to own."

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