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Donghyuck didn't drink. He didn't go somewhere either; he went straight home. It's actually weird how he felt so full just by seeing her and spending time with her in general.

Well yeah, soulmate things, Donghyuck.

His eyes landed on the tattoo on his wrist, seeing it glowing green and healthy as ever.

Donghyuck lived hoping that the tattoo would just stay in a lighter green, but now that he sees its full color, he can't help but stare in awe.

Donghyuck won't admit it fully, but he felt that kind of happiness awhile ago. Genuine happiness. The one that he didn't know he wanted to feel.

"You're one strong challenge, Shin Gayoon," he whispered as he stared at the tattoo trickling under the moonlight.

"Should I really take you in?"

Am I ready?


Donghyuck flinched in shock, his eyes shooting up wide, directly seeing the culprit.

"Oh," Yizhuo cleared her throat. "Twinnies oppas are here."

"Fuck it"

"BAD WORD!" Yizhuo shrieked like she caught a criminal, hitting the older man's arm.

"Ow! Lee Yizhuo!"

"Get up! Get up! Make me food!"

"Why don't you tell the twins?" Donghyuck grumbled, still resisting the urge to move.

"Really? As far as I know, neither of them know how to cook eggs."

"Oh damn it."

And just like that, Donghyuck shot up from the bed and stomped to the kitchen to avoid a sudden fire drill.

Donghyuck and Yizhuo ended up in a small fight.

Well, not a serious one, but the thing is..

"Lee Yizhuo"

"She's not here."

Donghyuck sighed. "Just this cardigan."

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