A Constellation's Melody

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For vanellopeheart101. :)


I plopped myself down my bed and pulled my journal under my pillows. I tried to read but I can't. I swear, something's wrong with me. I just couldn't focus. I need something to soothe me, I feel stressed out from all those monster hunts and ghost busting activities the whole week.

"Uggghhh!! Nothing makes sense!" I whined and threw my hat to the floor. I really need to cool my mind now.

I was about to get up my bed and go outside to get some fresh air when Mabel barged into our room singing-or should I say, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"-Maabbbeell the Cuppiidd! Oohhh!!! She caaan make yoouu faaalll inn LLOOOOOVVEEEE!!!-"♪

"Mabeeellll!!! Keep quieeeetttt!!!" I covered my ears and yelled. And so she stops.

"Oh sorry mister Dippingsauce!! You and I have currently an important sleepover bussiness to manage by the order of Mr. President Waddles and he-"

"Maabeell!! I have no time for this okay? Just give it a break!"

"But she-she's gonna-"

I walked out and slammed the door behind me, I didn't let Mabel finish her sentence 'cause I know it's just one of her girly bussiness she wants me to drag into. I walked out the Mystery Shack and walked straight to the woods. Maybe there's a quiet place there.


Geez! Dipper! What's up with him?? I was just gonna tell him that our old friend has decided to pay Gravity Falls a visit and have a sleepover here. That is, Alyssa Marquez to be precise. It's been 3 years when we last saw her. And she's a very close friend of ours. I figured Dipper might want to know this. But he's mister grumpypants right now.

Well, time to get our room ready for our visitor!


"You sure you'll be fine in here sweety?"
"Yes I'll be mom. Besides, Mabel and Dipper will be there." I said confidently as I tucked in a strand of my dark brown hair at the side of my ear. I'm so excited to see Mabel and Dipper again! It's been a long time.

"And, mom...I'll be bringing my violin with me."

"Oh okay. We'll be in Oregon in 10 minutes. Get ready."

I am already. I can't wait to see my Dipp-oh what? *cough**cough*
I'm ready to see the twins-
Dug dug
I think?


I immediately saw Mabel waving at me while hugging a pig. I was so excited to go down that I bumped mt head into our car's windsheild.

"Ow..." I complained and rubbed my forehead but I immediately forgot about the pain and quickly got down the car.

"Sweaterfluff!!" I called out the nickname I gave Mabel and Mabel came running and she hugged me.

"Glittershine!!" Mabel and I loved giving each other nicknames.

I scanned around the place hoping to see Dipper, but he was nowhere in sight. I frowned.

"Mabel, where's Di-" I was about to ask Mabel but I stopped when I saw the look in her face. Her brown eyes twinkled and her smile was sooo big that her braces shone under the sunlight and reflected it that it hurts my eyes. She was teasing me.

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