(DipperXReader) A Cup of Coffee

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Really Guys??? :) 150 reads??! I love you sooo much. Here's a one shot special for all of you. I'm sorry if it doesn't match your personality. enjoy my crappy writing.


"There is a thin line between love and hate"

You were the Mabel's bestfriend as long as you can remember.  You were practically inseperable. You knew every detail there is in each other's life. You spent your weekdays, weekends, holidays and summers together. You were like sisters. Nothing could possibly tear your friendship apart.

And there was Dipper Pines. Mabel's paranoid dorky twin brother. You barely talked to each other. The longest conversation you probably had was talking about where Mabel might be back in 3rd Grade. And that was a long time ago. Sometimes you wonder how Mabel and Dipper are twins. Sure they looked alike but Dipper was paranoid while Mabel is just confident and looks at the brighter side of things. Though you knew Mabel all that well, you don't have the slightest idea of what her twin brother really is. Mabel talks to you about Dipper alot but it's just mostly weird and dorky stuff his brother does. This summer is different though, Mabel invited you to spend the summer with them in Gravity Falls, Oregon. And you could not possibly say no and you woudn't like to say no because you really liked spending literally everyday with her. And there it goes, in an unimaginable way, you got to make your parents agree on this whole summer thingy. Though till this day you still wonder how, why and what magic spell you casted that made them say yes.

Gravity Falls, Oregon~
2:46 PM

"Mabel!!!Mabel!!! It's ON!!! [Your fav. boyband] is here!!! *sqquueeeee*" You squealed, jumped and danced in excitement as you and Mabel's favorite boyband's concert is being aired live. You plopped at the Mystery Shack's old tattered couch and nibbled on your nails. You screamed Mabel's name telling her to come faster.

"Wait for me!!! I bought our [favboyband] shirt to wear while watching." Mabel tossed the shirt to you and you immediately slipped into it.

You screamed the lyrics of your favorite song from [favBB] and Mabel screamed along.

You and Mabel kept quiet for a while and heck, how Dipper was so happy about that. He's been really annoyed by the two of you whole week. He kept on trying to focus reading but you would just scream your lungs out fangirling with his twin. You were sort of aware of that but you payed no attention. Because you thought that he can just easily stay away from you two but he's still always around you both and you find it really weird.

"It's startingg!!!!!"You both yelled as the concert started. The Shack was filled with you and Mabel's scream. The tourists would stop what they were doing and stare at Stan. He told them that the voices are the voices of lost souls and he sorta gained money because of that.

The poor Dipper just covered his ears to protect it from your high-pitched screeches. And when he couldn't take it anymore, he got up from the corner of the wall and unplugged the TV which ofcourse caused you and Mabel to stop screaming.

"What the heck Dipper?!" Mabel yelled while hopping out the couch and pulled Dipper's vest. You just sat there watching them.

"You were noisy, I couldn't read my journal." Dipper defended while pushing Mabel away and fixed his vest. You stood up and went to plug the TV again. You were meaning to ask Dipper something and you thought this was the right time.

"Well Dipper, you know you can always find a place far from us and read there so you can't be disturbed. We would personally consider you but where should we watch the TV?? There's only one place here while there are plenty of quiet rooms here in the Shack and outside the Shack. And I can't help but notice that you get annoyed at us when we do girly stuff you don't like but you're always there where we are." You ranted nicely not wanting to offend Dipper. And you knew you were right about what you said. No matter how you looked at it, you had a point. And even Dipper can't argue with that.

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