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○ — [ RULES ! ]


HELLO ! and welcome to the rules list , there will be 3 passwords that you have to tell me ! so that i know that you've read ALL the rules . the passwords are so i know u a little better as well !

if you do not respond wih the 3 passwords, i will not respond.

genshin impact**, black clover, demon slayer


01 : pings + mono's responses .
i can't always respond right away ,
i have an outside life so please understand .
i'll often times let you know if i can't respond ,
yet if i don't respond after 24hrs + two days, ping me .
i won't ping you until after two days .
please note that if you don't follow the rules here , i also won't respond . or if you do anything that is somehow worthy of making me uncomfortable , i also won't respond to that .

02 : no mary sues , or op ocs .
this rule , is simply common sense.
mary sues , and op (overpowered) ocs
simply kill the fun in the roleplay .

03: topics not allowed .
suicide, rape, yandere, pedophillia, sh. sa
overall just dark topics .
i'm not comfortable with it . if you want
to rp nsfw, i'll have to be comfortable
with you after role-playing with you after
awhile . things that i won't rp in nsfw will
be listed when the topic is brought up.

04: no one-liners, roleplay format
no one liners is self explanatory

i tend to write paragraphs
or so, ranging for 6-7 sentences .
however, for your responses please
write atleast five sentences, but
also feel free to add more and make
It as detailed as possible !

all roleplay should be in 3rd pov !

she sighs, waiting for the rain to stop .
*sighs* waiting for the rain to stop .
[ i sigh, as i wait for the rain to stop ]

no matter how long she waited, the weather simply wouldn't let up . the tears of clouds fell heavily onto the metal roof of the school, as she waited outside of the shoebox entrance . what an unfortunate mistake that she had made, forgetting to check the weather app before she left for school in the early hours of the day .

( psst......password time, dm of comment ur favorite song/artist to me ! )

05: play my crush & i'll play yours
this is only fair, and if you don't do this
i simply won't respond . please make sure
that both responses have equal lengths
for fairness .

06: losing interest .
if i, or you lose interest in a
roleplay be sure to
communicate that so we
can switch to a different
one or pause from roleplaying .

07: no repetitive powers .
please make sure your ocs
abilities, skills, or techniques
are different from the
characters in the series .

08: no killing off ocs, or cc .
you have no control over my oc ,
as i have no control over yours .
do not kill or cannon characters .

09: prompts i won't write.
any child character x an oc
( ex: sayu, qiqi, klee, diona,
if needed i can add/rp child characters

( psst......dm or comment your favorite book genre  ! )

10: cannon x cannon roleplays
i can roleplay cc x cc roleplays !
HOWEVER only fandoms tbhk, and genshin impact .
i find it quite fun as it helps with characterization ,
i'll do ships however it cannot be characters with debatable ages such as Lumine, Aether, Hu-Tao, and other ones will be added if needed .
SHIPS I WON'T DO : chilumi, kaeluc, aether + ayaka,

11: forms .
fill out the forms completely,
and be sure to submit in on
the next page . tags are allowed
however please get my approval
first before pinging me, the
tagged page must have at least
the form requirements.

12: characters i won't roleplay .

rhya, alecdora, augustus, revchi, gueldro, hamen - black clover

yami sukehiro i will write for but not in the x oc way,

( psst.......dm or comment the first fandom you got into ! )


𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 | roleplay book ².Where stories live. Discover now