. . . . helping another out ˊˎ-

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────────────────────────────────────[ helping another out ]

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[ helping another out ]

o1.) ֙⋆ drenched
in which a, falls into a body of water
and gets their hair all wet and soaked !
b happens to be passing by, and helps dry their hair .

o2.) ֙⋆ at ease
a happens to come back
after a long mission ,
their joints and muscles
are sore and they could really use a hug .

o3.) ֙⋆ delivery
b has been having a tough time lately ,
so a shows up at their door with a gift .
( ex: flowers, food, etc )

o4.) ֙⋆ lost amongst the crowd
when b nearly gets lost, a grabs
onto their hand despite the
squeezing of the crowd .
saying, "stay close, i'll get use out of here ."

o5.)⋆ your prompt
♡ - your oc name !
♡ - love interest !
+ - prompt !

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