9• Dear Pollyanna

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Dear Pollyanna

"It's such a fine line between feeling everything and nothing at all" - K, Tolnoe

"It's such a fine line between feeling everything and nothing at all"    - K, Tolnoe

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Mariana's POV

"What the fuck did you think you were playing at?" I snapped over the table
"I just thought it'd help us out, make us a bit of money" he shrugged
"15 months David. 15 fucking months, all sorts can happen to you in that time" I said worriedly, glancing at a guard in the corner.

"I'll be fine" he assured me
"Fine? You're 15, you barely know how to read and fucking write let alone survive prison" I said
I sighed at his reaction
"I just worry David, you wanted to become something when you left school, this... this on your record won't help" I explained.

"Mar, I'm okay, really... Arthur has some... friends in here, they'll protect me" he said
"Arthur's dodgy mates can only do so much" I said.

"Thank you" I said
"For letting me stay" I rolled over, resting my head on Tommy's chest
"It's okay, you needed a break, besides I think Ada likes having Nala around" Tommy chuckled
I didn't like being in the house on my own.

Now David was gone
Mum wasn't here anymore
And I hadn't seen Kinney since I told him to do one.
It was just me and Nala.

Thankfully Tommy let me stay round
And thankfully the others thought Tommy was sleeping on the floor
"I mean it, I know I haven't stayed unless we've... so thanks" I said.
It did feel weird, staying in Tommy's bed, not waking up naked together after...

It felt... nice.
"It's fine really" he said, winding his arms  around me and gently kissing the side of my head
"Anything for you" he said.

"You mean that?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"Can you break my brother out of prison?" I chuckled
"I wish I could" he laughed as well.

Before he made me look up into his eyes
"I really do, I miss seeing you smile" he said
"I still smile. They're just not so genuine anymore" I said honestly
"Yeah well, it's still beautiful" he said.

"Tommy Shelby, are you giving me a compliment?" I asked, offering him a smile
A genuine one for once
"I am" he smiled back, before he leant in, kissing me softly.

It was these small gestures
These small kisses and touches of comfort that truly helped me these days
I don't know what I would do without Tommy.

But it always these gestures that made me question a lot
Question how I... felt about Tommy.

"I can't believe he got 15 months" Dorothy said glumly
"I know, fucking idiot" I said angrily
"At least he's got some protection in there" she said
"Yeah" I agreed.

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