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"I can't believe you think that of me!"

"I don't think that of you," Lucas spoke trying calm down Steph. "I'm just saying, you focused your attention too much on, Will, El and whoever else, which made me hate you!"

Steph's mouth hung open. And she crossed her arms over her chest. "I've known, Johnny and Will for years! It was to be expected!" She spoke.

"You didn't know, El for years." Max pointed out.

Steph stared blanky and the red headed girl. "Cheers for that, Max." She then turned her attention to Lucas. "I can't believe you hated me, Sinclair."

"Oh! So it's last name bases now?!" Lucas asked.

"Yeah! It is!"

Steph and Lucas began to go back and forth, causing Eddie to put his head in hands and Max to put her headphones back on.

"Shut up!" Dustin shouted. Causing Lucas and Steph to turn their heads slowly. "You sound like Mike when he's complaining over his mom!"

"Why his mom-"

"I don't know, and I don't care!" Dustin exclaimed. "Now shut up before I tell Steve to leave you behind."

Steph sunk in to her chair. Muttering quietly. "Who made him the boss?" Which then caused Lucas to turn around. "I know right? He's always like this."

"So annoying." She shook her head. Crossing her legs over one another and looking out the window.

"Speaking of Steve, what the hell is taking them so long?" As of right on time, the door swung open. And everyone rushed inside.

"We gotta go!" Steve spoke. Rushing to the drivers seat. "Your old friends are here." Erica burst out.


Everyone scrambled to collect themselves, Eddie ducking down, as Steve began to drive off. Once they were out of sight, they all calmed down.

A bag was slammed in front of Steph's face. She looked up at Erica, who smiled and walked off. Steph furrowed her brows before opening up the bag.

Everyone watched her for her reaction. But she froze. She didn't do anything.

"What's in the bag?" Robin asked. But Stephanie didn't say anything. She slowly lifted her gaze and turned around, looking towards Erica.

"You're telling me, that shop, had these?" She asked. And Erica rolled her eyes and slightly nodded.

"Had, what?"

Steph opened up the bag, taking out a pair of bright pink camo trousers.

"Vecna won't know what hit him if he'll see these!" She exclaimed.

"Vecna isn't going to want you with those on. He'll send you back where you came from." Steve said, turning his head slightly.

"They're a bit bright–" Robin trailed off.

She looked more into the bag, gasping as she pulled out a matching jacket.

"Erica Sinclair, is better than, all of you." She spoke. To that, Lucas put up in his hands. And Erica smiled.


The group had stopped off somewhere in the middle of some field.

They all went their different ways to focus on their tasks.

Steph watched Eddie making a bin-lid-shield. Hammering nails on top, along with Dustin. She admired Eddie's features as he smiled at Dustin. How happy he looked, how happy both of them looked. Despite everything that's happening, they both looked happy.

CHERRY // Eddie Munson. Where stories live. Discover now