one- pretty

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hey there, everyone!

um I'm really gay so heres a quick little "steve being in love" onshot before I write something with an actual plot lmao

this takes place as if s4 had ended well, so everything is pretty much back to normal except eddie is part of the squad


a/n over

Eddie Munson was very pretty.

Steve Harrington was trying not to notice.

It was not the right time to be having this type of crisis. Steve was at work, trying to help customers, but Eddie was there simply "perusing the racks" as he put it, and Steve couldn't. Stop. Staring at his boyfriend. It was getting sort of unhealthy.

A girl Steve vaguely remembered from school walked up to the counter where he was leaning, snapping him out of his daze. He tried to make eye contact, but admittedly still kept his gaze on his lover.

"So, Steve," the girl said slowly, getting just a bit too close for comfort. "'You doing anything later? I'm going to a party, and I, uh, need a date." She smiled sweetly, batting her eyelashes. Steve gulped, really wishing he could teleport out of this situation.

"I'm, uh... Busy, sorry." He managed to spit out, his eyes subconsciously moving to keep his gaze on Eddie, who seemed to have heard what was going on and was walking towards the counter.

"Busy with... what?" The girl asked, seemingly following Steve's eyes to where Eddie was now standing (next to her) and possibly putting the clues together, based on her taken aback, wide eyed look.

"Me, hun. Sorry." Eddie grinned, shrugging.

"Oh, okay. Another time?" She asked, smiling at Steve. Maybe she didn't put things together after all.

"Erm- yeah, maybe," Steve says, grimacing internally at how not interested he sounded. I mean- he wasn't interested, but still.

"Great. Here's my number," The girl handed Steve a slip of paper and winked, then turned and walked primly out of the store.

When she was finally gone, Steve released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"You're losing your charm, sweetheart," Eddie teased, a lighthearted grin on his lips.

"It's only cause you keep distracting me." Steve smiled and flicked Eddie's forehead affectionately. "If you weren't so pretty, babe, I think I could focus more on charmingly rejecting people."

Eddie's cheeks flushed light pink and he tried to hide his smile, but Steve grabbed his hands and pulled them down.

"Come on, baby. I'm not wrong," Steve said. "You are very pretty. Your eyes and your hair and your face shape- not to mention your smile. Your smile is," Steve grinned. "Your smile is pretty cute."

"Fuck you, Steve." Eddie busied his hands with his rings, twisting them around his fingers and smiling ever so-slightly to himself.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Steve laughed, then returned to organizing tapes on the counter display. Steve could see Eddie out of the corner of his eye, Eddie rolling his eyes and grinning.

"I gotta go, sweetheart." Eddie banged his fist on the counter three times before leaning away from it. "Band practice."

"At least I can focus on the ladies now," Steve joked. "Can I go to your place later? My dad's home and I don't really want to be there." Steve sighed. "Would rather be with you."

"Yeah, of course," Eddie smiled. "Just come by after work. You have clothes there, yeah?"

Steve nodded.

"See you later, sweetheart," Eddie grinned, blew his lover a kiss and strode out the door.

Eddie Munson was very pretty.


i hope yall enjoyed! im working on a longer one, most chapters will probably be much longer than this!!

☆𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨☆ because i want happy gays (stranger things)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang