Sprig has a gun

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(anne) hey sprig u almost done packing? 

(sprig) ya i was done packing like 5 years ago 

(anne) ook anyway let's go 

(sprig) wait anne! 

(anne) yeah? 

(sprig) look what i found under hop pops bed 

(anne) holy shit is that a gun!? 

(sprig) uhh yeah i-i guess so? 

(anne) sprig give it to me. . . . . Please 

(sprig) um. . . . . . . .ok!

(anne) ok the safety is on and there's no bullets. . . . . . Here you go 

(sprig) thanks! 

(gun shot) 

(anne) s-Spr-ig 

(sprig) anne I'm sorry 

(polly) hey are you guy ready-oh good you finally killed the monster 


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