Chapter Eleven: Sleepover

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October 25, 1985

"Is everyone excited for Halloween?" Dustin asks the Hellfire club excitedly.
"I haven't ever celebrated Halloween." Caly admits.
"What?!" The boys yell, making her jump.
"Jesus! It's not that I didn't want to! My mom's sister died on Halloween!"
"Oh god that's awful."
"Yeah, she um immolated with a Jack-o-Lantern." The boys look at her confused, "I'm getting you all dictionaries for Christmas! It means to kill or destroy with fire."
"Oh fuck that's worse than what I thought it was." Michael admits.
"Again - dictionaries for everyone. I'm serious." Caly says pointedly.

"Anyway, it'll be my first Halloween since my mom died and the first one I can enjoy without feeling guilty. I don't know what I'll do. Robin invited me to Steve's party but I don't know..." She shrugs.
"You can always hang out with us! We don't go trick or treating anymore." Mike admits.
"We would but my mom says we're too old now." Dustin explains making Caly smile.
"Well, I may just take you up on that."

"Nope, nope. You and I are going to spend Halloween watching scary movies." Eddie cuts in.
"Since when?"
"Since now! What you don't want to spend time with me?"
"Don't be daft Eds, of course I do."
"You don't want to spend time with us?" Dustin fake gasps.
"Now now boys there's enough of me to go around. Unfortunately I cant be everywhere at once so... why don't we all go to the party? The boy's first high school party!" Caly says excitedly.

"What happened to movies?"
"Well this way we all get to be together and I don't have to break myself in two to keep my boys happy."
"We don't really go to parties Caly." Jeff admits.
"I figured, but that doesn't mean you can't start. Come on! It'll be fun. We can all get dressed up, act stupid... I'll even be the DD so you guys can drink?" She tries.
"I don't know if our parents will even let us." Mike admits looking between Lucas and Dustin.

"What if you told them it was just movies?"
"You want us to lie to our parents?"
"No, I want you to placate them."
"I know what that one means!" Eddie says excitedly.
"Well we don't so clue us in!"
"Make them less angry or hostile towards the idea of you not being home for Halloween."
"Eds! I'm so proud of you!" Caly smiles, kissing his cheek.
"I have a good teacher." He smiles, leaning against her while looking up at her smiling face.

"Get a room!" Lucas jokes.
"Oh shut it Sinclair." Eddie returns, looking away from Caly to hide his red tinged cheeks.
"So? I know your mom likes me Dustin! I've met Mike's parents, and I've talked to Erica, so she can hype me up a bit. What do you say? I'll even see if Steve can have some less boozy games out!"
"I'm in." Eddie announces, watching Caly smile and hug him, "Come on, it won't be too bad! And if it is we can all bail and watch movies!" Eddie looks to his minions, an eyebrow arched.
"Fine, but Caly has to pick us up. Our parents like her, they're not overly impressed with the rest of you." Mike decides, looking at the elder boys.
"Deal!" Caly says quickly looking over to the last stragglers.
"Come on! You know girls like guys that play instruments..." She teases them, watching their faces redden and eyes widen.
"Fine, but if they start picking on us-"
"I'll smack them! Done!"
"I was going to say we leave but that works too."


"So what's going to be your costume sweetheart?" Eddie asks, taking his jacket off and kicking off his sneakers.
"Wait and see..." She teases, throwing her bag down on the couch.
"Oh you're going to be sneaky now?"
"It's a surprise."

"It's a surprise Eddie!" A young girl laughs her icy blue eyes twinkling. He smiles at her, feeling himself nod.
"Close your eyes."
"Don't pants me!" The young boy says worriedly.
"I would never!" He hears in a whisper by his ear before something cold is placed in his hand.
"Okay open." A small metal ring with an onyx stone lays in his palm.
"Well... do you like it?" The girl wonders, biting on her strawberry colored lips.
"I love it. I'll wear it forever."

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