Chapter Fourteen: Afterparty

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November 1, 1985

Eddie sprung up from bed only to immediately fall back down in pain with a loud groan. His head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, knuckles on fire and a pit was settled deep in his stomach. Whether that was because he was practically naked in someone else's bed or something happened the night before, he couldn't really tell. The soft smell of flowers invaded his nostrils as he turned over in the bed. It was comforting, until he realized where he knew that scent from. His eyes sprung open hearing the door creak, silently begging that he was wrong because if he couldn't remember her... he shuddered at the mere thought.

"Hey. I got you some water, some Tylenol, and some pepto." Caly said softly, sitting back down on the bed, watching Eddie's eyes slowly look up at her concernedly.
"Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.
"Did we..." He looks anywhere but her eyes.
"No." Eddie breathes a sigh of relief.
"Okay good, I would like to remember that." Caly giggles, handing the water and pills over.

"So what do you remember?" Caly questions, looking to him expectantly.
"I remember... Sandy from Grease. You were dancing and I was getting really drunk." His hand rubs down his face, sighing.
"Did I punch someone?" He asks looking at his busted hand.
"Carter." Caly nods.
"He called you a slut!" He's remembering more now.
"You brought me home and fixed me up." Caly nods, watching his eyes dart over her covers.
"Did I? Did we... We kissed?"
"We did." Caly nods, watching Eddie's brain start turning.

"What are you doing you mad man?!" Caly laughs from Eddie's arms before he throws her onto her bed.
"If this is a dream I have to make it count!" He explains laughing before holding himself over her body.
"Then make it count." Caly smiles, pulling him back down to her face. Eddie smiles against her lips before feeling her tug his jacket off his shoulders. He helps her take it off quickly before going back to her lips laughing.
"Trying to strip me sweetheart?"
"It's not going to be comfy to sleep in jeans and a leather jacket." Caly explains, pulling at his belt.
"Woah there sweetheart." Eddie stops her, gritting his teeth.
"Relax Eds, I'm not going to jump your bones. You're drunk."
"Just let me do it, okay?" Eddie tried to calm his breathing, trying to slow down his galloping heart and quell any dirty thoughts rushing around his head.

"You really got me out of my clothes fast." Caly laughs, nodding her head.
"Took a while to get my pants off but you helped so it's okay." Caly shrugs, Eddie finally taking in the fact that she's just wearing underwear and his shirt.
"That's my shirt!"
"You gave it to me to wear to bed. Told me if I wore anything tight your hands wouldn't be able to leave my body."
Eddie groans, "Please tell me I didn't say that."
"You said a lot more than that."
"It's okay. I liked hearing you unfiltered." Caly assures him, kissing his cheek.

"I didn't offend you?"
"No." Caly smiles shaking her head.
"I really wish I could remember."
"I'll remember for the both of us. Come on, I'm making breakfast." She stands holding out her hand for him to take, but his eyes are glued to her bare legs and lacy black underwear.
"Looked at me like that last night too."
"Fuck, sorry sweetheart." Caly rolls her eyes climbing on top of him, watching him seize up and grip the comforter roughly.
"Don't apologize." She smiles snaking her arms around his neck. She can feel his pulse against her hand, "Hey, why are you so nervous?"
"Just don't want to fuck up the one good thing in my life."
"You won't. You won't mon amour." Caly assures him pushing some hair behind his ear.
"I'm your love?" Eddie says softly.
"If you'll have me." Eddie smiles widely, nodding quickly in agreement.

"Then come have breakfast with me. I've made easy food for a hangover."
"You're amazing." Eddie groans, holding her cheek in his hand.
"If you say so." Caly smiles, kissing him softly.
"I do say so." Eddie smirks, pulling her back to his lips.
"Can't we stay in bed all day?" He asks her hopefully, his thumb tracing around her lips.
"Not today, maybe tomorrow. I'm not letting my wonderful breakfast go to waste." Eddie smiles, nodding.
"All right, give me a minute okay?" Caly nods, leaving one lingering kiss on his lips, closing the bedroom door behind her.

"Fuck me." Eddie let's out, falling back against her pillows.


Neither of them had bothered to put on any clothes so when the door rang, wide eyes were shared before they started running around looking for anything to put on. Caly ran to her room and grabbed some shorts, throwing them on quickly before turning to Eddie who was throwing things around off the floor.
"Where the fuck are my pants?" He whisper yells.
"I don't know! Just stay here, I'll see who it is." Caly kisses him before running back to the door, opening it quickly to reveal Robin in sunglasses... at five pm. Oh she was going to feel that for a while.

"Oh thank god! Did I wake you?"
"No! No, sorry! I was looking for pants."
"Oh." Robin's eyes widen, "Ohhhh. All right finally made a move! A big one!" She chuckles, poking Caly.
"Stop it!" Caly chuckles pushing her hands away.
"His car's out front so he's still here. Is he asleep? You tire him out?"
"What?! I need to live vicariously through someone who can actually say more than two words to their crush."
"He's not my crush."
"He's my boyfriend." Eddie smirks from behind the wall. Holy shit he finally has a girlfriend!

A shrill scream breaks through his exuberance causing him to rush towards the door ready to fight, only to see Robin jumping while hugging Caly.
"Jesus Robin! I thought someone was dying!" Eddie yells.
"Okay even for a dude you're good looking!" Robin says eying him up, making Eddie cover himself up with his hands.

"Wait for a dude?" Eddie says quickly, a quirked eyebrow now evident on his features.
"Oh shit." The sight of Robin's worried expression, even hidden behind sunglasses, made Caly act quickly.
"Robin." Caly turns her back towards her, "I already knew. You were staring at my chest way too much in that corset top." Both Robin and Eddie groan at the memory. Robin for being so blatantly obvious and Eddie remembering how freaking hard it was to see her walk around like that and not put his hands all over her.
"Oh I'm so wearing that top more often." Caly laughs.

"Wait you're not like mad?" Robin questions her softly.
"No. Robin, you're amazing, and any girl would be lucky to have you. I love you as you are. Besides I like girls too, just not all the time." Caly shrugs.
"Wait what?" Eddie says.
"How did I not know that?" Robin whispers.
"I like girls and guys."
"And you chose me out of everyone? You literally had your pick of Hawkins!"
"I only wanted one of the pick of Hawkins." Caly smiles, shrugging.
"You sure know how to make a guy feel on top of the world sweetheart." Eddie smiles, she chose him. She wanted him, he was enough for her.

"Well I just came here to make sure you're both okay. Now that I have successfully done so... I am going to go back home and cry about how alone I am." Robin laughs dryly.
"Stop it, you just need to talk to more people. You're a catch Robin!"
"Yeah yeah."
"Oh! Wait, don't tell Steve or the kids okay?"
"Yeah, No of course." Robin gives them a thumbs up, closing the front door behind her.

"Do you... um do you want to like not act like we're together at school or around the kids?" Eddie asks, fiddling with his necklace.
"What? No, no! I just wanted to tell them ourselves. Can't let Robin have all the fun." Caly smiles pulling his hands from his necklace towards her waist.
"No, I just... once you're with the freak... I mean there's no going back." Eddie admits.
"Eddie." Caly whispers, pulling his eyes to her face.
"I want to be with you. Everywhere. All the time. In every single possible way."
"Yeah." Caly assures him, leaving a featherlight kiss on his lips.

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