Intro & Warnings

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This is a completely self-indulgent fic. I won't even pretend it's not. That being said, if/when I do post it, I want to make sure people know what they're getting into!

This fic will contain:
• Canon level violence
• Swearing
• Medical terminology
• Canon level human experiments
• Explicit sexual themes and instances
• Fluff
• Angst
• Instances of unwanted sexual advances (literally the guy tries to touch her and she shows him who's boss)
• Just complete ridiculousness
• Shitty 80s references (don't come for me, I did research it and asked my parents but I was not alive then)
• Planned Parenthood visits (get tested kids, it's important!)
• Canon level drug use

Your health and safety is the most important thing so please do not compromise your own well-being just to read a fic!

When I write about the things above, I don't do so for shock value. I feel it's really important to be completely honest and authentic in the experiences portrayed. These things happen more often than we care to admit or think about and while they can be difficult to understand and speak of, they should be more widely recognized as common occurrences so we can work to make them uncommon.

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