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they didn't know how long they had been lying there, staring into the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world, but it was apparently long enough that they missed dinner.

a soft knock resounded through the room, and silver finally snaps out of their stupor, noticing how dark it had gotten outside.

they really needed to stop doing that.

"hey, kid? can i come in? i- uh.. i've got your dinner here for ya' since you um... didn't come down."

guzma always got awkward during these serious situations. he never knew what to say, but silver knew he was trying his best and that was all that mattered to them.

they slowly sat up, trying to get their brain up to speed once more.

"yeah, um. come on in."

the door creaks as it opens slowly, and guzma's eyes immediately lock onto silver's slumped over figure.

they look at the plate in his hands, and notice it's their favorite.


they smile softly at him and reach up for the plate, and he passes it down to them wordlessly. after they have a secure hold on the plate, guzma takes a seat next to them on the mattress, looking at the ground as they eat.

"'m sorry i missed dinner. i- i had a rough end to the day. couldn't help it. sorry guz."

guzma sighs, running a hand down his face and chuckling tiredly.

"y'know i don't care that you missed dinner, right? i-i mean obviously it's bad that you haven't had anything to eat in a good while, but.. that's not my main concern right now, you know?"

silver stops eating, and turns to look at him. he's got his head in his hands, and he's hunched over sitting on their mattress.

"i really just care about you. it's hard to shake you out of that state, and whenever i can you settle into this weird automated zombie mode."

they swallow, and let out a soft sigh.

"i- i know. i'm sorry, really i am- i just..."

guzma finally turns around to look at them, and notice they've cleaned their plate. they've brought their knees up to their chest and have buried their head into them.

"do you think i'm too weak to leave the base?"

his eyes widen in surprise before he brings a hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

"sweetheart- i just want you to be safe. there are bad people out there, and they could- could take you away from us. from your family."

silver lifts their head to look at him, and guzma notices that tears are steadily streaming down their face.

"i- i know, i don't want to get taken away from you guys but- but i hate being here alone all day. the only people who are actually here won't talk to be because they're afraid of me. i- i just want some company, dad-"

they immediately shut their mouth at the slip of their tongue. they had never called him that before. their eyes lock and surprise is evident on both their faces, making them look away from each other swiftly.

"kid-...silver, i'm sorry that i've been doing that to you. i really didn't mean to- to leave you alone. to abandon you, like those assholes-"

before he could explode like the last time he talked about silver's parents, they leaned in to hug him from the side.

"it's okay. they can't hurt me anymore, right? that's what you always tell me."

he sighs and smiles down at them, rustling their hair before wrapping an arm around their shoulder.

"i know, but i think about what they did to ya' and it just- it pisses me off. sorry, kid.

they sit in silence for awhile, guzma occasionally rubbing their shoulder in comfort.

then he remembers the conversation from dinner.

"why don't you come with me on a mission tomorrow?"

they immediately perk up, releasing him and looking up at him hopefully.

"r-really? you'd really let me go on a real mission with you?"

guzma smiles and rustles their hair once more.

"o'course kid, i'd do anything to make ya happy. now, rest up. we've got a big day tomorrow."

they smile giddily and give him once last tight hug before pushing him out of their room.


he chuckles and shakes his head.

"night, sweetheart. sleep well."

silver changes into a shirt they stole from guzma and some big shorts before clinging back into bed, this time turning off the lamp on the table next to their mattress. they give espeon a good pet before finally drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

this time, no nightmares made themselves known in their mind, and they were able to get a full ten hours before having to wake up the next day.

you and me. (marnie x self-insert)Where stories live. Discover now