Chapter 3 : The Dare

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"Holy shit HAHA!" Itto laughed as he slaps his thighs. Thoma looks red as a tomato.
"Okay ayato, truth or dare?" Ayato took a little while to choose whether truth or dare.
Everyone's thought : "man he's slow as fck"

"Truth" itto leaned in close to ayato. "Have you kissed someone before?" Ayato smirked and look at Thoma. "Yeah, him" ayato pointed at Thoma. Itto scrunched Up his face and pull himself back.

"You two get a room" Diluc said rolling his eyes. Next up its ayato's turn to spin the bottle. It landed up to zhongli. "Heh finally" Childe said smirking at zhongli. "Shut the fuck up" Zhongli as he leaned himself on the wall.

"Alright, truth or dare" Zhongli answered without any hesitation. "Dare" Itto's eyes were gleaming. "BITCH SOMEONE FINALLY SAID DARE".

"Well I dare you to pretend being in a relationship with him"  Ayato points at the ginger minding his own business. If one of you two fell first..."

"Then he's the looser~" Kaeya said in a flirty tone as usual. "you two makes a PERFECT pair i swear hehe" kaeya giggled.

Zhongli glanced at childe, frowned his eyebrows. "Hey that's not fair!, I pass alright" Zhongli doesn't like this consequence , he had never been in a relationship before and all. "Dare is dare". Ayato in a serious tone.

"tsk..." zhongli sighed "fine." he gave ayato a glare.

"Dare is dare" ayato shrugs and smirked. Kaeya put his hands on his chin for support. "This is going to be interesting~"

"Huh what? I'm confuse?" Childe said looking dumbfounded. "I chose you for zhongli, you two need to pretend you're in a relationship with eachother" ayato click his tongue and wink.

Ayato raised his one brow. "Dare is dare, no one is passing this shit alright?"
Childe click his tongue being annoyed.

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