Chapter 1 - Moving out

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-Eliza, can you come help me with these boxes?!
Mom shouted from the hallway.
Mom and I are moving away from my nine year old childhood home and to another wreck house...
We first moved away from this house to a little apartment in another city for one year, because mom hoped she would get a good job there. She didn't, so we moved back to this house three years ago. And now we're moving again.
I'm not really going to miss anything else except the house and the memories I have from here.
I actually never got many friends, so I don't have anyone to miss either.

-Eliza?! Mom shouted again.
-Coming!! I shouted back.
I went outside with two heavy boxes I was struggling to carry. Mom was waiting for me by the truck that's going to transfer all our things to the new house.
It used to be sunny today, until a huge, dark cloud from behind the house covered for the sun.
-Seems like this will be a pretty boring ride, it looks like it's going to rain a lot. Mom said, disappointedly.
-Yes! I whispered to myself.
I liked rain, unlike my mom. I liked to just sit inside, watch a movie or read a book, enjoying the fact that mom won't force me to go outside and play with "my friends".
Yeah, I kind of lied to her about that I had friends. But if not, she would literally have a talk with all the other girl's parents about talking to their daughters again about letting me hang out with them. That's really embarrassing. If you have experienced the same thing, you'll understand.

-I swear you'll make more friends at the new school, don't worry. Mom said, thinking she was being very supportive.
That's exactly why I should worry, mom. You know I don't like being around other people, especially not those basic girly girls who only talk about drama, and boys, and all that girly stuff.
I just feel uncomfortable and cringe with it. If only mom could hear that, but it was obviously just in my head.

The road trip took us five hours, five pretty boring hours. Mom and I didn't talk much, we were both very tired. Sure, we did play the game "yellow car", but it isn't the most fun game ever, especially not when yellow cars barely even exist. I mean, who would like a car that looks like it's been lacquered with mustard? Not me at least. After we got bored of it I started reading my book for at least an hour.

The book was about a girl in this fantasy world. And no, it's actually not Alice in Wonderland, even though it might seem like a rip-off. The girl was named Anastasia and had gotten into this wonderful fantasy world by coincidence. Everyone said she was the lost queen that had been missing for years and years. But Anastasia didn't want to be a queen. She wanted to explore that fun, wild fantasy world she was in. She wanted to do more than having tea parties, waving, and ruling over land. She wanted to fight dragons, see the world and meet new people.
I wish I could be in a fantasy world, it just seems so fun. With magic and enchantment, talking animals, witches and wizards, fairies and mermaids.

I had just finished the ninth chapter so I put the book away. I looked up at the road and suddenly felt a weird feeling in my stomach. My mouth was dry and tasted weird too, I got dizzy and my head started hurting. I could feel something coming up, I was gulping. This couldn't be good...
I had suddenly puked all over my pants and the car seat. Mom stopped the car immediately as she saw a place to stop near the road.
-This is why you should not read or do anything else in the car to distract you. Mom said, while wiping the vomit off of me with some toilet paper. She threw it into a sandwich bag and put it in the luggage so it wouldn't smell everywhere.
-Try and sleep as quickly as possible, I'll wake you when we get there.
All I could remember is that I was watching a droplet race on the car window, before it blacked out and I fell asleep.

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