August 19, 1992

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Do you ever sometimes feel like you want to throw an ax in your enemy's head? That is happening with this girl, Rhea Saturn. I really hate her as I mentioned. Today was bad. Coach had this super weird idea of not using our wands, but we use weapons. I was super excited. He named out the weapons we'll be using. Knives, swords, spears, and the best of all, BOW AND ARROWS! I was dancing in my head. I get to use a bow and arrow for the first time! Coach raised his hand. "You may now use your weapons,"

I grabbed a full-sized bow with a matching sheath of arrows. Rhea gets a bow and arrows too, but hers is shaped differently. "Oh please, Abbott," Rhea said. "You won't be good as me,"

"With what?" I asked, loading an arrow.

Rhea smirked. "You won't be good at archery! And you will never be,"

I pulled the string back. I stared at the target for a long time. This was harder than I thought. The arrow pointed to the target and I let go of the string. The arrow shot across the room and landed on the bullseye. I smiled in contentment. "What did you say earlier? That I won't be good?" I lifted my hand to my ear. "Huh? I didn't hear you," I laughed.

"Well, well, Abbott. Pretty good for the first time," Rhea said through gritted teeth. She shot the arrow and it landed on the edge of the board.

Sapphire walked up to us. "You say you're good?" She asked. "Watch this,"

I watched Sapphire as she shot two arrows. I then clapped. "Wow, Sapph! That was amazing!"

"Oh, please, don't clap," She said. "It's Rhea that needs to clap."

Rhea grabbed Sapphire's bow and snapped it. Sapphire punched Rhea while she kicked her. "Well I see," Rhea said. "You wanna fight?" She scanned Sapphire's face. "Then you'll get a piece of this,"

Rhea raised her fist. I then pushed Rhea to the ground.  "What's going on?" Coach's voice boomed. 

"Rhea was punching me," Sapphire said.

Coach then dragged Rhea out of the room. "Talk to the head of the school honestly!" He yelled and slammed the door.

That was an exciting day. 

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