Enemies to Lovers pt1 (Hardin/nosmut)

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Summary: You and Hardin despise each other, you guys are in the exact same classes. You both were assigned partners for a project. So you go to Hardins house and things get heated 😏

Y/n pov:

As I woke up from my disrupted sleep from my alarm, I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet to grab my clothes.

I Laid it out on my bed and went to take a shower.

A good ten minutes later I put lotion on my body and put the towel back on my body to do my hair and make up

Your hair & makeup:

Once I finished, I put on my clothes that was still lying on my bed. After putting it on I look at myself in the mirror and think I look good.


After checking myself out in the mirror I grab my shoes and hurry to put them on.

After putting them on I grabbed my bag and ran out the door to my car now remembering that I left my damn keys in my room. I ran inside up the stairs to my room grabbed my keys off my desk and ran back down to my car finally being able to get inside of it.

I drove to my school ready for first period, but now excited for it.

I got there just in time for me to start heading to class. For first period I have History, I walk to class getting into my seat seeing someone that I hated the most.

Hardin Scott

He was the biggest player in the entire school he played on the football team like every other guy in this lame school.

I don't hate him because he's a player and a jock on the varsity team, I hate him because he hated me first. I've known him since we were at least three year old we were best friends then when we hit middle school, he changed.

He ignored me, yelled at me, called me a whore, slut, bitch, ect. I don't know. He just started hating me for no random reason. Its honestly annoying. He's a pain in the ass when I would have a boyfriend that's when he would bother me more. He would talk to me and call me a whore all the damn time. I honestly didn't give two shits about him afterwards.

But in my honest opinion now. He has gotten hotter over the years. His jawline that looks sharp enough to cut you, his beautiful green eyes made them look so sweet and caring, his deep British accent that showed dominance, he was hot.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by someone speaking to me, "what the hell you looking at, Whore?" Hardin asked me.

"Why the hell does it matter? I can't look at you in disgust?" I argued rolling my eyes.

He just scoffed and said, "it's rude to stare at hot people such as me y'know. I know that I'm admiring to look at but tone it down a little would ya?" He asked rhetorically

I was about to say something but our teacher and the school bell interrupted me before I could open my own mouth. He smirked towards me while I just said nothing and glared at him.

I turned my attention towards out teacher and ignored the way he was looking at me.

"Good Morning! I hope you guys are ready for this week because we have a project that will be about space. The sun and the planets that follow around it. And before ANY of you ask, no, you are NOT going to choose your own partner I already have the list." She said as we all groaned.

"Oh, calm down you all will live. Okay so we have, Lilly and James, Scott and Rosemary..." I didn't even pay attention until I heard something that makes want to kill myself, "And finally, Hardin and Y/n."





This is NOT happening to me right now! Out of everyone, HIM?!


I looked towards him and saw him staring at me looking like he was about to laugh.

I glared at him and paid attention to the teacher I never bothered learning the name of as she described the project and when it was due.

Soon enough the bell rang and I ran out of there.
I ran away from everyone especially, him. Except he was running towards.me so I tries to lose him in the crowed.

But thinking I had lost him, I felt someone grab my wrist as I was about to scream someone covered my mouth and dragged me to the nearest door, pinning me against the wall with one hand making me face them.

And let me tell you, what happened next happened quick and confusing...

Part 2?

Hello, my whores! So what'd you think? Part 2? Let me know. Anyway, ILYSM HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT!

HARDIN SCOTT/HERO FIENNES TIFFIN SMUT(Complete/In Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang