Cocaine and Whiskey

18 3 0

*Andy's POV*
Sweat drips down my forehead, traveling past my neck and onto my bare chest, glistening on my tattoos as the guys and I make our way down side stage. The adrenaline still pumping and pushing its self through our blood, and around our bodies. The kind of adrenaline that makes you feel like you've just snorted several lines of cocaine, mixed with a good bottle of whiskey. God damn, I missed this feeling. Hundreds of fans are chanting our name as we leave their view walking behind the stage equipment, exiting down and behind the stage and towards behind the scenes of Vans Warped Tour. We do our traditional ritual of fist pounds and high-fives to say "Great show Man" to eachother, and then, we head off to find the partiers. The people with booze who now how to have a great mother fucking time.

The noise of several bands playing at the exact same time sounds like a really shitty mixtape in my head as the guys and I truck along through the tents and the ally of buses.
"I don't know about you guys, but I've never felt this way before, after the 1st Warped show." Cc shouts aggressively, clearly still on a high.
"So many fans! More than what we've had in previous years, I mean. The energy! Ooo baby!" Jake's smile still plastered on his face, refusing to leave.
"We are some lucky mother fuckers." I chuckle and grab Cc's shoulders and rub them, shaking him slightly as we walk, like I'm reving up an engine to a motorcycle. "This tour. It's going to be a wild one, I can feel it." I admit to them.

Our bus comes into view and we all climb up into the big aluminum can on wheels. Some of the guys head back to their bunks to call their honeys, some sit in the lounge, a cold drink already in hand. I ruffle Lonny's hair as I walk by his seat in the booth and head back to my bedroom at the end of the bus, tapping and knocking on bunks or walls as I walk by to keep myself amped up. I get a couple of groans from crew members trying to catch some shut eye and I grit my teeth in a silent apology to them and eventually I reach my door. I open and close it behind me as I step inside. Gathering a dry and less sweat smelling shirt and pants, I throw my towel over my shoulder and head back out of the room and towards the bathroom to shower and get cleaned up for the night.
Shortly after my shower, putting on some fresh clothes, and touching up my hair, I exit the bathroom and chuck my dirty ones back into my room, not particularly caring about their placement at the moment. I can always tidy up later when I get back to the bus. I walk back down towards the lounge, chatter and laughter filling the air.

As I walk past Cc a beer is shoved into my stomach and out of reflex I grip it and push it up to mouth, taking a large couple of gulps. I smack my lips. Refreshing.
"What's the plans then, boys." I say as I lean against the counter, waiting for a response.
"I heard that Falling In Reverse is having some people by their bus, might go there." Jinxx answers my question swiftly and promptly.
"Alright, that is what I am talking about!" I yell.

Without waiting for my fellow band mates I chug the beer Cc handed me and grab another from the fridge and head out of the bus to see what kind of commotion amongst other bands I can join into.

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