Care for Me

14 3 0

*Ophelia's POV*
As I enter the bedroom at the back of the tour bus, I kick the door shut behind me with my heel and then strip my clothes off and lay them on my dirty clothes suitcase on the floor, stumbling a bit from the alcohol in my system. I pull the covers back on my bed and climb in wearing nothing but underwear too tired to think about grabing some night clothes. I toss my phone on the empty pillow next to me and lay down, pulling the covers back over me. I lay in the dark for a bit trying to fall asleep when my phone beeps. I roll over and grab it, looking at the notification on my screen. A number I hadn't had in my contacts yet.
-🥱😴🛌- A, is what the text read. Assuming it's Andy I smile and unlock my phone and open the message thread. I type back...
-🌚⭐️😵‍💫- O.
I lay my phone on my chest as I wait to see if I get a text back. To my surprise, I do.
-I'm seeing stars.- A. I chuckle.
-Don't puke 🤮 I thought number swapping was only for party info?- O.
The bubbles pop up, already showing that hes typing back. I stay on the screen.
-Is this not a party?🥳- A
-Don't be sarcastic- O
-See you soon?- A
-See you around 😄- O
-Don't be sarcastic- A
-Goodnight Andy🤣- O
-Goodnight Ophelia- A

I shut my phone off and put it on the pillow next to me once again. After a short while my eyes flutter shut, and I slip into a deep sleep.

*The Next Day*

After the set, I start to feel under the weather, so I call it a day, and tell my mates to go on to the festivities without me. I head back to the bus, my head pounding and spinning, and my body feeling weak.
I pull my sunglasses down over my eyes and rub my forehead trying to ease some of the pain. I pass a group of people and loud music, only making my brain feel like it's going to explode even more.
"Ophelia!" I hear a deep voice shout to me from behind. I turn to see who it is, and Andy's face comes into view when he steps away from the group of people I was walking past.

"Hey! Up for a drink?" He asks as he towers over me, blocking the sun out of my eyes, which I greatly appreciate.

"Rain check? I've got a raging headache, I have to go lay down before I pass out." I say softly, my body too weak to even really talk.

"Are you okay? You look pale." He states and reaches his hand up to my forehead to feel if I'm warm.

"Yeah you definitely should get some rest, here let me help you back to your bus," He offers, and turns to the group he was with, "I'll catch you all later!" He waves to them and then turns to put his hand on the small of my back to guide me where I am headed.

"You don't have to walk me back Andy, really. I'm just feeling sick, I can take care of myself." My energy feeling like it's being drained every second I talk and walk.

"No worries. It's hot as balls out, and you're head is already spinning. Last thing you need is to pass out and not have somebody with you, just in case. I don't mind, really." He smiles down at me as his hand still lingers and rests on the small of my back as we walk.

After what seemed like hours of walking we finally made it to my bus. He opens the door for me and I walk in, immediately greeted by cold air from the A.C which relaxes my body a tad. Andy walks up behind me and I lead the way to the bedroom at the back which I was staying in. I climb onto the bed, well more like slump and Andy reaches his hand out for me to pass him my sunglasses. I remove them from my face and plop them in his hand and he gently plasses them on the built in table next to the bed.

"Thank you." I say quitely, resting my head on the pillow with my eye closed.

"I'll get you some bottles of water, got any advil anywhere?" Andys voice is laced with nurture.

"In the bathroom, above the sink on the inside of the mirror." I swipe some hair out of my face so I can look at him for a second. His tall and slender, yet fit body moves around the room and then out to the rest of the bus. He comes back a few moments later, bottles in his arms and the advil container in his hand. He sets the bottles on the table next to my sunglasses, and then sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Here, sit up." He demands, as he grabs a bottle of water. I do as he says and sit up, leaning forward a bit, my hair covering my face.
"Drink this, and take this." He bosses again, shoving the now open water bottle into my hand and two advil pills into my other hand.

I plop the pills into my mouth and then slowly sip the water, and swallow. I hand him back the bottle once I am done and he screws the cap back on, as I lay back down.

"Hand me your phone, I'll plug it in for you. I'll set an alarm, what time do you want to wake up?" He asks, his hand infront of me waiting for my phone to be put in his hand. I reach into my pocket and slide it out and place it gently in his palm.

"The password is 1024, and you can set the alarm for 3 pm, please." I say, with my eyes closed trying to block the sunlight peering in through the windows. I hear him scroll and then shut the phone off and plug it in. His body weight shifts and I realize he's off of the edge of the bed now. I open one eye and he pulls the curtains back, shutting out the sun from the windows.

"You really didn't have to do this. I appreciate the help." I smile at him. He takes a step closer, reaches his hand out towards my cheek, as if he wants to caress it, but then his eyebrows furrow and he retracts his hand and shoves it into his pants pocket.

"Alright, feel better Ophelia." He smiles. I nod my head and he turns around and exits the room, shutting my door behind me. A few seconds later I hear the front bus door open and shut and I am all alone.

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