I dont understand

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Roc: she's with Prince
Destiny: looks like it
Roc: why the hell
Destiny: your girl looks good in a sports bra
Roc: you gay?
Destiny: I'm bi
Roc: um oh
Destiny: she got compression shorts on too man she got ass
Roc: damn, eyes off my girl
Destiny: I'll ask again, why did you call me
Roc: me and Yn got in a fight so I thought about cheating but I don't want to hurt her so I called you
Destiny: mhm I understand.... What the hell is wrong with you
Roc: what
Destiny: yall get in a fight and you go straight to cheating
Roc: I didn't cheat though
Destiny: Yn is fine as'f and if she was gay I'd try to fuck her, I would but she chose you over all the boys that want her and yo dumbass cheating
Roc: you right
Destiny: you gone go talk to her because I'm actually pretty sure that Prince really do want her...and the boy she's talking to right now
Roc: what*looks up* who is that and where did prince go
Destiny: he's lifting weights and I don't know but he got her smiling hard as'f
Roc: what the hell
Destiny: she knows you're looking at her now
Roc: is it obvious?
Destiny: not till you made a face, go talk to her
Roc: I am! That's bullshit
Destiny: you can't be mad
Roc: she's still smiling and laughing
Destiny: *laughs* something must be funny
Roc: I'm going to talk to her
Destiny: alright

-w/ you-
Yn: you here to workout or just stare at me *laughing*
??: I mean you on the machine I want can't help but stare
Yn: Drew there are other machines
Drew: Maybe I just want to watch you
Yn: well I'm almost done
Drew: you know we were talking before you left
Yn: ....yeah
Drew: how come you stopped
Yn: I don't know you were far away
Drew: FaceTime, I could fly out to you
Yn: didn't think about it my bad
Drew: well do you want to again.
Yn: oh um
*Roc comes up to you*
Roc: she got a nigga
Yn: *mumbles* Barely
Drew: ohh so that's why
Yn: no it really was because of not being able to be here
Roc: I thought you were home sleep
Yn: *sarcastically* well who told you that
Roc: why are you here with Prince
Yn: same reason I hit people
Roc: and what is that
Yn: because I want to
Roc: wow
Yn: is there a problem?
Roc: yes
Yn: is it the double standards you're trying to put in this
Drew: um I'll text you later Yn
Roc: I dare you
Yn: you can text me don't be scared of him
Roc: what do you mean double standards anyway
Yn: as in you can have female friends but I can't have guy friends you can go behind my back and cheat but if a guy looks my way it's a problem I can't wear revealing clothes but you can walk around and flaunt your body
Yn: you wanna know something, me and Andrew lasted as long as we did because he treated me how you're supposed to treat someone and when he said he loved me he meant it *you jump down from the bars and starts to walk away *.....nice talk
Roc: *grabs you by your arm* we aren't done
Yn: don't grab me like that
Roc: Yn
Yn: dude what....WHAT
Roc: I'm sorry
Yn: I've given you so many chances
Roc: Yn.....
Yn: I just woke up and I'm tired, im so tired
Roc: Yn.....
Yn:my birthday is in a couple days I think and I'm so mentally exhausted
Roc: all this fighting can only make us stronger
Yn: not this much fighting
Roc: Yn.....
Yn: I'm mentally tired, do you understand
Roc: *he pulls you in to hug you* I'll do better I will and you'll be happiest girl in the world
Yn: that should have been your mindset from the start * you push away and grab some jump ropes* it shouldn't take other boys wanting me and making me smile and doing little things I like because they just want to see me happy for YOU to want to see me happy
Roc: well....let's start over
Yn: everything has already happened
Roc: please
*prince gives you a look*
Yn: you need to listen when I tell you that this is your last chance I mean fuck up even a little and it's the O for you and I'll probably cut connections with you so don't try me
Roc: ok, well do you want to workout together
Yn: no....bye asshole
Roc: what the hell
Yn: you're getting too clingy for me
Roc's POV: she heard that😐
Roc: I was wrong
Yn: I'll see you when I get home.... Maybe
Prince Pov: maybe....where she going
Roc: wow alright *he starts to walk away*
Yn: awkward moment when I'm dating a fuckboy
Prince: *whispers* you wouldn't have to be if you chose the right boy

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