Prod and Raiana

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-Scary Movie 5-

Prod: *laughing* I can't

Raiana: Silly Niggas 😂

Prod: I gotta go to the bathroom

Raiana: It's only like 20 minutes into the movie Prod what's wrong wit cha D

Prod: Nothing nigga * goes to the bathroom*

-A dude sits next to Raiana-

•Raiana's POV: Zamnnnn he hella cute what's his name number address social security zip code wait...wait... Prod, I'm w/ him or soon to be okay I quit but then again DAMN NIGGA BAD👏👏👏

???: Hey my names Hakeem

Raiana: Hey, Raiana

Hakeem: you're Cute, I just had to tell you

Raiana: Thanks you're cute yourself, what's your number

Hakeem:( Making this up) (810)556-4837

Raiana: Alright I got the hit you can leave now

Hakeem:You for real

Raiana:*laughing* Nah I'm kidding

Hakeem: Oh I was about to say, Diss a nigga like that

-2 minutes later Prod comes. Back-

-Rai and Keem are talking-

Prod:*laughing* aye Rai- (He sees Hakeem kiss her) Nevermind

•Prod's POV: I like her but she just kissed another nigga I don't even think she knows oh...guess I'm not gonna ask her out, fuck it bout to go cancel that dinner reservation

Raiana:uh Keem y-you just kissed me

Hakeem:my bad I was caught in the moment your eyes had me in a daze

Prod: Raiana I gotta go see you later

Raiana: Where you going

Prod: To dinner with Babydoll

Raiana:Who's gonna be with me

Prod: Your friend

-he leaves-

•Raiana's PoV: what's wrong with zee bew he was acting funny lord did he see that kiss Uhhh but Hakeem is damn 😍😩

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