Meet and Greet

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-You and your clique are sitting at your table signing autographs-

(You get a text from Roc)

Fan: Yn you have an amazing voice

YN: mhmm ok

Fan: Ummm

YN: oh my god im so sorry Thank you I just got a text from it.

Fan: uhh its ok

YN: Do you want a picture?

Fan: I dont have my phone or camera

YN: hey we can take a picture on my phone whats your instagram and twitter

Fan:*writes it down* Thank you I love you so much

YN: Love you too hun

Fan: Raiana youre so pretty and you can dance

Raiana: aww thank you

Fan: dont you and prod date

Raiana: Uhh no, I date Hakeem

Fan: ew I hate that bitch

Raiana: Um what?

fan: nothing have a nice day

Abby: Hey here ya go

Fan: can I take a picture

Abby: yeah of course

(takes picture)

Fan: You and Prince are so cute

Abby: I dont know about that but thank you

Fan: What is it Nala

Abby: Haha oh Nala I hate her

Fan:Me too but love you and I gotta go.

Abby: Love you too hun.

Aysiah: Hello hun how are you

Fan: Great are you the only one without a boyfriend

Aysiah: no I have one I just choose not to put it out

Fan: awww okay youre really pretty and good at what you do

Aysiah: Thanks hun

OMG's Table

Star: Hi how are you

Fan: good

(She gets a text)

-The text-

?: Meet me in the closet

Star: for what Roc?

Roc: I just wanna talk

Star: umm ok

Roc: kay.

Star: Lets take a picture I have to meet somebody

fan: okay thanks

-The closet-

Roc: Star I need help

Star: what?

Roc: help me make YN jealous

Star:*punches him* No are you retarded

Roc: I want my girlfriend back

Star: are you stupid you called Desiree your bae YN's better off with Prod she would actually be happy

Roc: Id beat your ass if you weren't a girl

*yn opens the door*

YN: you hit her I hit you bitch

Roc: YN talk to me


Roc: Never mind I give up

YN: uh okay.

Star: Thanks YN, I was kinda scared

YN: its okay.... I heard what you said by the way

Star: i...I meant it

YN: Its okay

Babydoll: Hey doll I love your hair

Fan: I dyed it purple for you

Babydoll: awww thanks thats sweer

Fan: can we take a picture

Babydoll:*gives her an autograph and takes a picture* kay love have a nice day

Fan: you too

Beauty: hi.

Fan: Hi I love you you're my favorite

Beauty: awww thank you

Fan:Can you sign my shirt

Beauty: awww here you go

Corbin: Beauty can you take me to the bathroom

Beauty: Cor I gotta talk to my fans

Fan: no its okay go ahead

Beauty: okay come on babe

fan: Hey he's the new mb boy

Beauty: Yep

*corbin sticks out his tongue at the girl*

fan: ew I dont like him ...but he's so cute

Prod: * bumps into the fan* Oh sorry you can come to my table if you want

Fan: Aww okay

Dedication(MB Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora