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Nancy was up late finishing homework she felt needed more work added on to it. She had no luck sleeping anyway because the loud rain and thunder outside had kept her awake.

A knock at her front door interrupted her thought process. Who could be at her door at 2am? At first she hesitated even answering the door but whoever it was didn't seem to be planning to leave until someone answered so she rolled out of her bed covered in homework papers and books, slowly walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Hello- oh robin" she looked at her girlfriend standing by the front door completely soaked from the rain outside, her hair was dripping and did she look- Upset? Maybe Nancy was imagining that part but it was definitely robin buckley at her door at 2am.

"What are you-" before Nancy could finish her sentence robin started rambling again. Nancy was right, she is upset.

"I'm sorry I know it's late, it's just- the thunder." Robin pauses and trails off, refusing to make eye contact with Nancy incase she could tell how truly frightened she was "it's really loud nance, I know it's stupid but I hate loud noises. Most people love the sound of rain and thunder but my parents aren't home and I didn't want to be by myself..I know it's late I'll just go-"

Robin went to turn and walk away but Nancy grabbed her arm "No no robin really it's alright, come in I wasn't sleeping anyway" Nancy had never seen robin this afraid before.

She took her upstairs and gave her a pair of her own pyjamas which robin protested about but finally listened to her since Nancy said she didn't want her to get sick.

Robin came back into the room with the pink pyjamas on, they had little hearts spread across them. She looked at Nancy giving her a disgusted look before sitting on the edge of Nancys bed. "I hate these, they are just so bright" robin said scrunching up her nose.

Nancy giggled pulling robin back on the bed causing her to fall down pulling Nancy down with her. "I didn't want to give you any pyjamas that were too tight on you because I know you feel overstimulated" she whispers softly and kisses robins cheek.

This just made robin completely melt. She didn't care about the stupid pyjamas she was wearing, or how stupid she felt coming to Nancy scared of the thunder. All she cared about was that she was with Nancy in her room and she felt safe.

Nancy always made robin feel safe and comfortable, she couldn't really explain it. Maybe it was the way she talked so gently to her, or how she smiled, or the way she looked at her. There was no denying it, robin was completely in love with Nancy wheeler.

Before robin could get another thought in another strike of thunder went off causing robin to cover her ears. She hated loud noises, even if it was loud cars robin couldn't stand it. This always made her feel stupid but the way Nancy held her in that moment made her feel completely normal.

It was only for a second, but in that moment robin felt like maybe it didn't matter her brain was wired differently because Nancy didn't treat her any different. Nancy still loved her, even if she hasn't said it yet, robin knew.

Nancy brushed robins hair away from her face as she held her "it'll be over soon alright? Every thunder strike means it's getting further away and soon it'll be so quiet you can't even hear it" she whispers softly.

"I'm such an idiot huh? You own a gun and I'm scared of a little thunder" robin laughs looking up at Nancy.

She shakes her head quickly "everyone's scared of something rob and thunder is pretty scary" Nancy always made robin feel seen. She always saw robin for who she was, not how she acted or anything else about her. Nancy looked at her, like really looked at her.

The girls spent the next hour like that, Nancy holding robin while kissing her forehead reassuring her that the thunder would go away. Nancy was right, soon enough they couldn't hear the thunder at all and Robin sat up again.

They spent the rest of the night talking about everything and nothing. The girls were really glad to have eachother, Robin never would've thought Nancy wheeler would be the person to bring her the most comfort.

(A/N I have a lot of really pointless head cannons like this but I think they're cute, stay safe my lovelies<3)

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