Farewell to the Unlucky

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[3rd person]

"Bennet? Bennet!" Y/N shouted, looking all around the woods for Bennet after he had scurried because of the Geovishap. "Bennet?" Y/N looked beside a tree, and there he was: Bennet all curled up on the grass. "Y/N? Y-you're okay!?" Bennet looked shocked, staring straight through Y/N with widened eyes. "Hah! Yes, I'm okay. I think this is our sign to go back to Mondstadt and get some rest." Y/N started joking, as it was normal for them to reach a point of exhaust. "Ehh.. alright, but, how did you escape that Geovishap? And who's shirt is that?" questioned Bennet, pointing at the shirt that Childe had given to Y/N. "Oh! Um, a person named Childe came to help me at the last second. He gave me his shirt.. uhm, because it was.. cold? Yeah! Cold." Y/N didn't want Bennet to go on and on. *It'd be best if I don't tell him he was a Fatui Harbinger, otherwise I'd get scolded by him..* "Oh really? Alright then, as long as you're okay we really should get going now. Come on!" Bennet started slowly, then turned into a slight jog.
It had been about 5 minutes since Bennet had started jogging with Y/N, and he already stopped because he couldn't run anymore. "You okay?" asked Y/N, worrying about Bennet. "Ah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks!" *Just my luck.. I really am worried, what if Y/N got hurt about that Geovishap business?* thought Bennet, still concerned. Y/N put their arm around Bennet, supporting him while he was drained from all that jogging. Thankfully, they were already close to Mondstadt.

"Thank you, Bennet, for inviting me to adventure with you. Even though some things might've went a little crazy, I still had a great time!" cheered Y/N, trying to point out only the bright side of their adventure. "Ah, of course! I can invite you any time! But, I'll be leaving now. It seems Razor must not be that busy any more, so, bye bye!" waved Bennet, and Y/N smiled back at him.

Jealousy // Childe X Reader // SMUT + FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now