Hero gear arrival and Tacoman's conspiracy theory

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We wanted a week to get our new hero gear. When it arrived, we all were doing our own things. Steve and Jose were playing video games and Ronnie and Andrew were sparring, trying to help each other get better at fighting. Sophie was in the shower and Tacoman was playing a card game by himself. The doorbell rang. Tacoman got up and opened the door. There was a crate outside with Matthew's logo on it. "Ronnie, Andrew, come to the door. Your package is here."

They unpacked their gear and were surprised by the quality of the equipment. "Let's go try them on." Ronnie said, walking to the bathroom. He opened the door in excitement. He looks up and notices the mirror is fogged up. "AHHHHH GET OUT!" Sophie shouted and threw a bar of soap at him. Ronnie ran out and closed the door and then shouted at the door. "Sorry. . . . .by the way, the gear is here."

Andrew puts on his new gauntlet and throws his shield across the room. He hits the button on his gauntlet and the magnet activates slamming into his stomach. "What the hell is wrong with this thing?" Andrew is pulling his arm, trying to get it free.

"There is a note in the box. It says there is a sensitivity setting you need to adjust to your preference." Tacoman held up the manual that was in the box.

"So now we can team up with the other pro heroes and actually do something interesting." Jose is still playing his game. He is unenthused about the suits.

"You can't even look a little bit interested." Steven said while pulling Andrew's arm, trying to break his arm free while Andrew is trying to turn off the magnet.

"I think suits are lame. It is just an excuse to play dress up." Jose said.

"No way. Suits are awesome. I wish I had one." Steven said.

Sophie came out of the bathroom with a towel around her. "What the hell is so important, causing you to barge into the bathroom?"

"Check this out!!!!" Ronnie came out wearing a white spandex shirt with red rings on it resembling his starting outfit and two lights coming off his shoulders with a belt with small pouches on it.

"You look awesome!" Steven is at ah, his jaw dropped.

"That is what you are going out in? Come on, you look like a dork dressing up for a convention." Andrew snickers. "You can't seriously think that looks cool. What the hell are those things on your shoulders? Are they supposed to be shoulder pads?"

"No, check this out!" Ronnie pressed a button on his belt and strobe lights started flashing on his shoulders. Everyone shielded their eyes.

"Why the hell do you need that?" Sophie said.

"It is a reference to my first job as a hero when Tacoman had me hold up strobe lights to disorientate the villains." Ronnie said, turning the lights off. "They also can just be flashlights."

"Your stupid strobe lights messed me up." Jose put his controller down and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"You know what this means? We can team up with HDMI and be acknowledged as pro heroes. Then our rank will go up." Tacoman sounded excited and put his hand up to look dramatic.

"Not to mention we will stop them from turning more people into monsters and we can stop the Boss." Andrew said, messing with his new arm piece, making a shield fly toward him landing on his arm.

"Yea, that will surely boost our ranks if we can get the drugs before they hit the street and take down this boss before he can grow his rank." Tacoman said excitedly.

"What do you mean, grow his rank?" Steven asked.

"Villains have a similar ranking system like heroes do. But it is hidden from the public and heroes, unless you are a top pro. That way, the villains don't know what the government has on them." Tacoman said.

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