Chapter 2

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I was standing on top of a cliff, staring off into the distance.

Standing near the edge, I saw a hand reach up.

"Clay!" A voice shouted.

I stepped a bit closer to the edge of the cliff to see George struggling to hold on to the small ledge.

I grabbed his hand to help him up, but I couldn't pull him to safety.

"Don't let go," I shouted.

My hand started to get sweaty from holding his hand for too long, my grip started to loosen on him so I quickly grabbed his wrist, not knowing how long I could hold him.

"Clay- I can't hold on any longer," George said quietly.

He seemed so calm. Why was he so calm?!?

I looked around the area I was in, the fog grew in closer which made it hard to see, unfortunately there was nothing I could use.

I went to look at George again, but he had disappeared. I looked from the very edge of the cliff, all the way down, I decided to take a step and jump...for George.

I awoke with a shock. Just a nightmare. I sat up, I grabbed my phone to look at the time.

9:04? Hm, something feels off about today.

George ran into my room fully dressed with messy hair.

"Cla- Dream, I'm late for my flight back! We have to go now!" George yelled.

I paused, usually he called me by my name, not my username. I helped George pack his bags, and got ready.

When we got into the car, I asked George, "Why do you need to go back to the UK?"

George didn't respond, I decided not to bug him anymore, so I drove as fast as I could to the airport, still feeling hurt. He didn't even stop to think about spending a few more days with me in Florida.

When we got to the airport I helped George grab and take his bags towards the loading dock.

George stopped midway to the loading dock, "Clay, I'm really gonna miss you," George hugged me and walked away towards the loading dock.

I waved goodbye and smiled. I left the airport and drove home. I opened the door and went towards my room, not knowing what to do I layed on my bed.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, I picked it up, hoping it was George. Sadly to my disappointment it was Sapnap texting me.

             Why would Sapnap be texting me at this time? It could only be something serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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