Our Anniversary.(How they feel on this day)

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Tony's POV

Well Jane our four year anniversary is today. We are going to have a little celebration in memory of you. Every day I feel like I will never find another girl like you. You where one of a kind you where one special girl and I'm glad I got to you before anyone else did. I hope you know that I will never be able to love anyone more then I love you. I saw a Hawk today just like when we met. I love and miss you Jane.

Angela's POV

Well Jane today is Tony's and yours Anniversary I don't think his heart is really ready to move on he hasn't been himself lately Frankie and Maura have been getting drunk every night but you know Tony he's always there to protect them. I don't think I'm going to go to the celebration I haven't been myself ether. Well Jane I'm getting called to help with the snacks for the party. I love you Jane.

Frankie's POV

Well Jane I'm screwing up my life I've been getting drunk every night because I can't get over the fact that my sister is dead. Jane I really wish you hadn't of left me Tony's been getting in to fights with everyone because he is angry because you left. I wish I could go back to the day you died and change everything. I guess I just need to get over it and move on with my life. Love you Jane. Dad landed himself in the hospital because he swerved off the road while driving home because he hasn't gotten any sleep the last five nights.

Maura's POV

Jane I wish you where here I need you Jane your father got in to a car wreck a week ago his state is really bad I don't know how much longer he has. Jane I really wish you hadn't of left me I really miss you I've been getting drunk with Frankie every night I hope you know that I still love you and I will always love you. I think about the good times we had and the bad times but the thing that made you really special to me was that you always put your life on the line for your city and your family I miss you Jane.

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