Chapter Four

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"You both are being dicks." I told them, and both men shot their heads in my direction before one of them burst into a fit of laughter.

"Now that's something you don't hear every day." Hyunjin giggled, hard eyes going soft as he looked from Chan to me.

I hit the laughing man before giving a glare to the other, his eyes still hard and glaring at Hyunjin. It took me hitting him too, for his eyes to finally cast down to me and soften. "Like I said, you're both being dicks right now. So what I'm your soulmate, that means crap to me if you two are fighting over me like some damned prize. Can't you learn to share, soulmates share soulmates at this point. Now stop being children and man up if you both wanna keep me."

"Innie, don't...I get you don't want us to share you but I don't think that'll be an option with him." Hyunjin answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chan growled.

"Exactly what you think it means." Hyunjin growled back. "I can put our shit aside for him and for the goddamned fact that you and I are soulmates, too. It's you who's not willing to give a damn."

Chan scowled but said nothing. I just moved back to my food, Hyunjin sliding beside me and resting his head on the table beside me. He moved his head to the side, watching me as he asked in a soft voice. "Will you be eating that all?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so, I don't eat much as it is. This will be a couple means for me."

He frowned. "Is she really that cruel to you?"

My eyes widened. "How did you did you coriate that to my eating habits?"

"Remember I'm friends with your brother." Hyunjin sighed heavily, pushing himself to sit back up. "I remember hearing a lot of stories from him. How he would have to sneak you food every now and then. Or how he'd have to let you out of your room at night just for you to have range of the house for a few hours. Though he never mentioned you by name, I always thought that he was being overly dramatic."

I looked down at my food, only slightly away of Bang Chan as he moved to lean against the island counter to listen to us. "She's made me walk to school on multiple occasions or miss the day entirely when I do something to upset her. Food and not feeding me is another punishment which is why I have perishable food in my room and a small mini fridge that I had to have Seungmin help sneak in."

"And you can't just leave?" Chan finally spoke up.

I looked up to meet his gaze. "I'm not eighteen for another few weeks. And the money my father left me, I don't get access to until my birthday. So even if I wanted to move out, I wouldn't be able to afford anything let alone an apartment. Besides that witch is still my legal guardian until I come of age, she won't let me leave even if I tried."

"I think having two mafia soulmates might help with all those problems." Chan mumbled softly. "We can help in whatever way you need. And if that means packing you up this weekend and moving you in with us, then so be it. In fact I'd prefer it."

"Do you both live together?" I questioned looking between the two.

"No," Hyunjin looked up, meeting Chan's eyes. "We haven't since I stopped being his bodyguard."

"So you'll still be fighting over who I'm with, will you not?" I questioned.

They both went to protest but stopped short when I stood up, speaking over them.

"I'd rather stay here." Of course that earned protests from both men.

"How about we compromise?" Chan spoke leaning forward. "We get a house, one that all three of us have to share. Would there be a problem with that?" The last of the questions were directed toward Hyunjin who shook his head.

"No, problem on my part." The other said. "Though I'm a bit surprised you're willing to compromise like this."

"Just because I hate the thought of us sharing a soulmate doesn't mean I'm not heartless." Chan mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah that's the only reason you're heartless." Hyunjin agreed sarcastically before sighing heavily. "There still runs the problem of where he stays until we find a house. He can't stay here very well after what happened tonight."

"Who said there wasn't a house available?" Chan smirked. "Remember we are mafia after all, I'll have us one within the hour."

Cinderella & His Mafia Leaders/HyunChanJeong (Skz Fan Fiction)✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang