Chapter Ten

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Chan's POV

I paced as I waited for my soulmate and his brother to arrive and when they did, I had already called the mall for security footage and was waiting on the email. Upon the arrival of my little vixen, I was quick to him and checking him over.

"Are you hurt?" He just nodded before moving to crawl onto the couch that was a few feet away, his hand pulling me with him. I laid him down, kneeling before him as I brushed the hair from his face. "Don't worry, we'll find him. I promise. No one takes either one of my soulmates and lives to tell the tale, trust me love. Just stay here with Seungmin, alright. I'll be sure to have Hyunjin home soon."

I stood, walking over to the man who stood off toward the entry.

"Will you stay with him until I find our soulmate?" I asked. "I don't trust him with anyone else right now."

He nodded. "Bring him back safe, alright?"

"Plan to." I promised before running out the door.

Hyunjin's POV

My busted lip had long been dried five times over and I could feel that I had at least three broken ribs if not four. I don't really know how long it's been since I've been in this place or how long it's been since they've taken turns beating the shit out of me, but one thing I knew for sure was that I still had yet to meet the person responsible. Was chan any closer to finding me? Was this giving him enough time to find me? By now I had stopped taunting the men that beat me, it only made it worse and the more they wailed on my body the more I realized I couldn't take much more of this.

The next round of men came forward, this crew immediately ripping off my shirt and letting their eyes land on Chan's soul mark. The ring leader of this crew, the same man who had kidnapped me, was grinning as he reached down to open my fisted right hand, that's where he saw I.N's soul mark.

"You have two." He raised an eyebrow at me before circling me. "Let me guess, that little nice piece of ass was your other soulmate."

I was baring my teeth at the man before me at the comment of I.N, only Chan and I could talk about him in such ways. Hearing this pig was making me sick, but I had made the wrong move because then next thing I knew I had something stabbing through my right hand, all the way through until it was pinned to the chair I was tied to.

"Little puppy needs to lose his temper." He laughed as he seated himself in my lap, my body thrashing under him. "Am I safe to assume that you and Chan share that nice piece of ass, too?"

"Go to hell." I growled but as soon as I spoke I was being punched in the stomach and doubling over into the man before me. My head had fallen onto his chest and he reached up to grab the back of my hair, forcing me to look up at him before he leaned in.

"You need to play nice puppy." He hissed in my ear before shoving me back. "Now let's get to the topic at hand shall we?"

"What topic?" I growled. "I'm still waiting to hear why the hell I was taken."

"All in due time, puppy." He laughed. "I have my reasons."

So this was the man I've been waiting for.

"Who are you then? I deserve at least that much." I deadpanned.

"Your worst nightmare." He grinned wickedly.

Chan's POV

I found him!

I found the people who took him and I found where they had gone. My only problem now was gathering a team and getting to him before anything bad happened to him. I was going to get back my soulmate and I was going to kill whoever the hell thought of taking him from me.

Hyunjin's POV

He was riding me, clothes the only thing separating us. It was nauseating, even as his hands found their way to fist into my hair and yank my head back. I hated this, the roughness wasn't anything I wanted from the man before me but all from the man I waited on to rescue me. Hell what was I thinking, he didn't care about me. There was no rescue I kept psyching myself up for.

"Just fucking kill me already." I growled, staring up at the ceiling.

The man, who I learned was named Kim, yanked my face back to his and pulled me in for a rough kiss. It was nothing but teeth as he bit my lip before pulling away and nearly ripping at my lips with his teeth. "I'll do whatever the hell I want with you."

"He doesn't care about me or what you're doing to me." I hissed, bringing my head to contact his and pain shot over the contacting skin. I think it stunned me more than it did Kim, who just laughed as I groaned.

"Oh but I think he does." Kim chuckled as he ground harder against me but stilled as someone growled out behind me. "I don't know which I prefer doing...blowing your brains out here or cutting your dick off and feeding it to you for even thinking this was a good idea."

I knew that voice, it was my soulmate. My eyes were blurring from the pain from my headbutt, but I didn't care as I looked up to see Chan pressing a gun against the back of Kim's head.

"Get up." Chan growled before grabbing Kim and yanking him off of me, Chan's body moving to block me from the man he held at gunpoint. "This right here, your lack of a brain and thinking skills is the exact reason you were kicked from the crew. Now if you'd like to use what little brain you have, I'd think carefully over what I want my next few words to be."


"Too late." Chan growled before pulling the trigger.

I grunted out when Chan didn't turn to me right away. "Fucking hell, let me out of the god damn chair, Chan."

My soulmate was quick to turn on me, his eyes blazing as he kneeled before me. "You fucking dumbass getting yourself kidnapped all to save I.N."

"Is he alright?" I asked.

"He's safe if that's what you want to know but he's far from alright." He answered as he set to work on the ropes that tied me to the chair. Once my left hand was free, I reached over to grab the knife that Kim had lodged into my hand and yanked it.

"Fuck." I hissed loudly.

Chan shot me a look before going back to my ankles. "What you did was stupid."

"I don't see why." I answered, throwing my head back and groaning as he palmed at the tightness in my pants. "Fuck this hurts. Anyway, I save the only one you cared about, you should be thanking me."

Chan was grabbing my chin in his hands as he stood, forcing me to look at him before I felt his lips crash down on my own. It was the roughness I craved, a roughness that had me panting with want and need.

"No one touches what's mine." He growled at me. "Do you understand me?"

I moaned against him, thrusting up into the hand that had snuck its way down toward my pants. "Fucking hell, Chan, I get it! I'm yours."

"Everyone clear the room." Chan's rough voice called, and it gave me a moment to look around the room to see that they had taken out anyone who had laid a hand on me during my time here. When everyone had cleared out, Chan's mouth was back on mine and his body was pulling me from the chair before he fell into it with me now on top of him. "He's lucky I didn't cut his dick off."

He was pulling down my pants, hands slipping down my ass and making me arch to the touch. "I thought you hated me."

"The thought of having two soulmates terrified me." He groaned, pushing me off of him long enough to strip the clothes that covered my lower half. He was unbuckling himself and pulling himself free before pulling me back to him and as our dicks brushed against one another I was sent into a wail of moans. "Now, I want to finish what he started and show you what it's like to be dicked down the way I know you crave."

He hadn't prepped me before he slammed into me but I could care less. I just threw my head back, letting myself adjust to him before we were both moving. "Fuck, we didn't think this through."

His lips found my neck, nipping at the skin. "It'll be worth it with how I'm about to fuck you."

Cinderella & His Mafia Leaders/HyunChanJeong (Skz Fan Fiction)✅Where stories live. Discover now