Chapter Eleven

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Chan wasn't back with Hyunjin and I was beginning to really worry. It's been almost a total of twelve hours and I'm unsure of what that means. Are they okay? Was Chan able to find Hyunjin in one piece? Were they both alive and on their way home to me?

I was pacing along the length of the living room, my brother seated on the couch watching me as he spoke. "You haven't asked me what I thought you would."

"Meaning what?" I asked, barely casting him a look.

"I figured you'd have several questions about how I fit in after this afternoon. Chan didn't just call me because I'm your brother." He told me. "I mean I get you're worried about Hyunjin but I expected at least a question asked of why I was there."

"And why were you?" I asked, stopping short and facing him. "Let me guess, since you're friends with Hyunjin, he asked you to keep an eye out for me if shit went sideways. Or those two idiots needed someone to trust other than themselves if shit hit the fan. Whatever the answer may be, I'm not surprised at this point. And as much as I love you, I could care less right now knowing my soulmates aren't here. That one of them got kidnapped and the other has gone to rescue him."

Just then there was the tiniest sound signifying the front door was being open. I immediately perked up, rushing over just in time to see Chan kicking the door closed. Hyunjin was wrapped around him, legs around his midsection and face buried in the older man's chest. My soulmates were home...Hyunjin was alive. Chan did it!

"Welcome home." I smiled through the tears that threatened to spill.

Chan grinned at me. "Little vixen."

"Innie." Hyunjin mumbled against the older, arm pulling away from Chan to reach out behind him.

I walked over, grabbing his hand and he immediately pulled me into their hold. That was when I let the waterworks flow; I began sobbing uncontrollably as I clung to both me. "I'm so happy you both are safe now."

Hyunjin managed to slip from Chan's hold and wrap his arms around me in a tight hug. "Thank god you're safe too."

I pulled away to look up at him and that's when I saw the bruising around his jaw among others and the cuts that littered his face and body. And then there were hickeys, my hands immediately pulling his shirt collar away from his neck.

"What happened here?" I growled, narrowing my eyes at the marks. "Did they really try touching you?"

Hyunjin laughed softly, shaking his head and gently grabbing my hand. "They tried, but before it could go anywhere this big brute stepped in. The hickeys are from Chan marking his territory."

My eyes grew bright. "Does that mean you accept each other?"

Chan placed a kiss on my forehead and then Hyunjin. "It means we're one big soulmate trio."

I hadn't heard my brother slip out passed up to give us our little moments but he did. And I don't remember what led us to our bedroom but I was sharing my first real kisses with my two soulmates. It was magical and something that had me craving the touch of my soulmates. I never knew how the three of us would ever share intimate moments but I was shown exactly how we were going to spend our nights between the sheets.

Cinderella & His Mafia Leaders/HyunChanJeong (Skz Fan Fiction)✅Where stories live. Discover now