Chapter 1 - The Vanishing of Will Byers

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Katherine Lance had been at the Wheeler household since 4:30 that afternoon. The big chemistry test was coming up in two days and no one was better at making flashcards than Kitty. A different colored pen for each type of question, a key ring to keep them all on, and a 6th sense for coming up with practice quiz questions, by 4 hours in Kitty had memorized all the answers and had finished working on the history essay, with Nancy not far behind.

Satisfied with her work completion for the night, Kitty decided to move on to more... interesting topics.

"So, what's up with you and Steve Harrington?"

Nancy scoffed and rolled her eyes, "No you too! Barb kept asking me about it yesterday."

"Oh, but you admit that there's an 'it'!" Kitty brightened up from her place on Nancy's bed and grinned.

Nancy gave her best friend an annoyed look, but Kitty just stared back smugly.

"Ugh fine, but let me call Barb so I don't have to go through all this again."

Kitty clapped her hands excitedly as Nancy pulled the phone as far onto the bed as she could get it and called Barbara.

The tone rang once.... twice.... three times... "Hello?"

"Barb hey! It's Nancy-" "-And Kitty!!"

Barb chuckled from her end of the line and Nancy rolled her eyes.

"You said you wanted to know what's going on with me and Steve Harrington right?"

"Uh, yes, tell me everything now." The two girls could practically hear Barb's smug smile.

"Yeah, whatever. So it all started when he came up to me during my free period and asked about my help studying for an English test he has coming up, and I'd told him he should really ask Kitty because she's much better at test prep than me, but he insisted that he was sure that I'd be able to help him just fine...."

About 45 minutes passed and Nancy and Kitty were still on the phone with Barb.

"Yeah, he's cute. But no, I don't think so." Nancy said into the receiver.

There was a gentle knock at the door that made both girls look up to see Dustin Henderson waving at them and holding a pizza box.

"Hey Nancy, Kitty. There's a slice left if one of you wants it. Sausage and Pepperoni." Dustin said.

Kitty smiled at him but Nancy rolled her eyes and set the phone down going to close the door on him.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" Kitty scolded Nancy when she walked back to the bed.

Kitty glanced at the clock on the wall, "Shit! I should be going. My parents want me home by 10."

Nancy nodded and Kitty rushed to the door, stepping out into the hall and leaning over the stair railing to call out. "Hey, Dustin wait up! I'll take it. I'll be down in just a second."

Dustin looked up at her and nodded and she smiled at him, before stepping back into Nancy's room to grab her things.

When she got downstairs the piece of pizza was waiting for her on the counter, she picked it up and put the box in the trash, and headed to the front door.

"Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler!" She called as she let herself out the door.

"Goodnight Kitty!" Mrs. Wheeler called back as the door shut behind her.

As Kitty walked around to the front of the house she could hear the kids in the driveway getting ready to bike home.

"She's always been a real jerk!" Mike insisted.

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