Chapter 5 - The Body

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Mike was sitting on the couch in his basement flipping through all of the drawings Will had made for him throughout the years. Dragons, DnD characters, magical weapons, and epic battles. To the side, Eleven was sitting in her fort messing with the dials of Mike's supercom, the sounds of static and high-frequency squeals filling the room.

Mike looked over at her with a sigh. "Can you please stop that?"

El turned the radio off until Mike looked back at the drawing and she turned it back on fumbling with the dials some more.

"Are you deaf?" He raised his voice a little, but this time El just ignored him.

"I thought we were friends ya know," That got El's attention, Mike kept going, "But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't"

El looked up at him with big doe eyes and frowned.

"Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me. Do you understand? What you did sucks." Mike slammed the drawings down on the couch but picked them up again and looked away from her. "Lucas was right about you. All along."

El's frown deepened and she turned back to the supercom turning the dials once more and with a loud crack of static the quiet and cracking voice of Will Byers filtered through.

"So come on and let me know, Should I stay or should I go?"

Mike's head shot up and he looked over at El and the supercom. El looked up with sincere eyes and a drip of blood running down her nose.

"Should I stay or should I go now?"

Mike shot up and rushed over to kneel in front of El.

"Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble..." Will's voice trailed off and a new one took its place.

"Hey, whatcha singing?" Kitty's voice was a little stronger than Will's had been.

"It's this song Johnathan showed me..."

"It's cool. I like it."

"If I go there will be trouble, and if I stay it will be double." Will picked up where he'd left off.

El held the supercom out to Mike and he grabbed it quickly and pressed the button to speak through it.

"Will? Is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy?" He let go of the button but all that came out was static.

Mike tried again. "Will? Kitty? Are you there? Will!"

More static. El looked down sadly and Mike slowly set the supercom on the ground in defeat, looking up at El with wide eyes.

"Was that... Was it?" Mike trailed off.

El nodded slowly. "Will. And Kitty."

Mike's eyes widened in realization as what she said and the second voice on the com sunk in. "That's what you were trying to tell me earlier, isn't it? Kitty is missing too?"

El nodded. "T-Together."

"Kitty and Will are together?"


"Can they get back?"

El paused to think but slowly shook her head no.


The next morning Mike, Dustin, and Lucas sat in a semi-circle across from El as she tried to channel Will and Kitty again.

From where they were in the mirror dimension, Will was lying on the floor next to his bed whimpering, and the light sound of the radio static mixed with the sound as it came through to the real world. Kitty sat next to him and tried rubbing his arm comfortingly to warm him up. "Shhh, Shhh, Shhh, You're okay," Kitty whispered.

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