Very sad and depres

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It was a frigid September morning in the modest borough of Nockfell. Birds could be heard chanting their charming anthem for the world to hear. And you could feel a slight gust of wind roaming the town. In the center of this ordinary town there stood an immensely lanky apartment building titled the "Addison Apartments" inside of the quarters of the apartment and hidden away from the world slept a boy with hair the same shade of an unclouded sky.

The 15 year old Sal Fisher who was sleeping soundly opened his azure eyes and gazed around the room attempting to take in his surroundings. He locked his pupils onto the door in front of him. Raising his palm he slowly pushes the door open and clambers through the gaping entrance and into the pristinely pale lavatory. He glanced over at the looking glass mounted on the blanched barrier that many call a "wall". Staring into his reflection he began to analyze every crevice on his scarred and mangled face. No matter how many times he had inquired to his father about why his appearance was so peculiar his father would never provide an answer.

Letting out a sigh he strolled out of the bathroom and into the corridor. He spared a glance at the door in front of him that led to a bedroom that he used to occupy before his cousin, Gizmo, kicked him out and made him hibernate in the bathroom closet. He continued his way down the hallway and into the kitchen to find his aforementioned cousin and father, Henry Fisher, having a conversation. The old man turned away from the cat and faced his son. "Oh my fucking god Sal what do you want." He bellowed with such grace in his voice that it made angels sing.

"Oh uh um I just wanted some cereal" The stupid ass bitch announced eloqently. With a shake of his head and a roll of his eyes Henry answered with a firm "you're not cool enough for cereal." this is why your face is fucked up and your mom died." With tears collecting in the foolish boy's eye he swiftly jerked his head to the side and glared at the ground. "And you will never be allowed in our skate club." Henry said before throwing on a pair of sunglasses. "Lets go Gizmo." Henry proceeded to skateboard across the living room with Gizmo following close behind on a pair of rollerblades.

Sal wasn't able to sleep that night. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering to the events that had taken place that morning. He knew deep down that he would never be cool enough to join his fathers skate club. Suddenly there was a bump in the night. A knock at the door. Sal jumps up and darts out of the bathroom and sprints to the door only to find a letter on the floor addressed to him. "wOaH a LeTter." This dumbass yells. Suddenly he hears footsteps approaching rapidly behind him. "Sal, give me that."

An insanely preposterous scenario with a blue haired boyWhere stories live. Discover now