There's a strange man in my house

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Sal whipped his fuzzy little head around to see old man Fisher towering over him menacingly. 'B-b–b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's for me uwu." Sal protested feeling scared for his useless little life. "IM LITERALLY OLD DO YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING?" The mighty man yelled before throwing his hand forward at a speed faster than light and ripping the fragile letter away from the stupid teenager. He furiously opened the letter and read the post card inside.

Sweating profusely, he slams the letter on the floor and continuously stomps on it until it is nothing but dust. Sal who had just witnessed this tantrum began to drip salty liquid from his singular eye. "But fatha that was my letter." Henry's eyes shot up to look at the icecream man. "NO JUST GO TO BED YOU ASS WIPE! THIS IS WHY YOURE NAMED AFTER A SEASONING!" Sal felt as though he had been stabbed through the heart by a vase. How could his own father say such a thing? Sal's depreshen was interrupted by another letter flying under the door and into the boys hand.

"WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK FUCK" Henry exclaimed feeling so shocked that his hair turned a slight shade of green. Sal lifted the PaPeR up to eye level and examined it cutely. Suddenly a fuck load more letters started flying into the ugly ass apartment. The letters filled the room rapidly. Sal was trying to process this shit show when all of a sudden the front door collapses and a man that has matted greasy hair and smells of cheese prances into the room. "AYYEEEE SAL DID YOU READ THE LETTER YET?" The grease man asks at a very large volume. Sal lets out a dinosaur screech and attempts to commit fairy and fly away but finds that he is unable to move due to the unnecessary amount of letters piled on his toes.

"Omg get tf out of my house smh" Old blueberry angrily exclaimed with an aggressive tone. "Stfu i'm taking your child now okay byeeeee." And with that grease boy grabs Seasoning by the armpit gently and flies through the ceiling and into the sky. "Dawg wtf is going on and why are you holding me?" The balding man glances down at Sal and smiles with his bronze and gold teeth. "I am Charley and i'm bringing you to where you belong, child." Sal just stared in disgust at this glorious specimen and sat in silence until they landed infront of a magnificently beautiful train station adorned with a singular window. "You shall board a train now. Goodbye." And with that Charley flew away, leaving a trail of yellow liquid behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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