Seeing my Worst Nightmere

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(Mitch pov)
I set up Sammy's account and we did a video to see how many people would subscribe to her, she got 1800 ALREAY.
"Sammy you need new clothes, I handed her my credit card, go ask Ashley if you can go shopping with her"
----Sammy pov-----
Yassssssss Mitch gave me his credit card and I ran up to the third floor to ask Ashley if she would come, being the only girl in the house, "ummmm YEA I want to go shopping" she shouted. "ok Sammy just be home before 6:00 you me, Ashley, plus the guys are going out to eat today. "ok bye Mitch I said" I was running to the car with Ashley, and Jerome screamed "BYE LITTLE BACCA!" She an baja I heard Mitch yell. Me and Ashley laughed all the way to the mall.
My and Ashley got swimsuits, I got lots of new shoes, with hoodies, skinny jeans, and tank tops, all minecraft themed. Then me and Ashley went to the food court, i saw someone out of my eye that I knew, 2 people, Jenny and Ms. SunShine.....

My new DadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ