Chapter 1

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A purple haired guard sat on a bench screwed down to the floor in a hallway on his block. He was supposedly receiving a new prisoner today, and he expected some war-hardened looking criminal. When he heard the other baboons around him whistling and hooting however, he figured something was up as the fresh meat was walked over, flanked by four guards.

"Tsk..." Chains clanked together as a somewhat tall male Neko with fluffy black hair was led through the hallways of a prison. These were the walls he was to stare at for at least the next ten years, and he was hoping it would be somewhat eventful.

The group of guards that led him back deeper and deeper into the prison where now dumping him off with what was just another prison guard to him, this one sitting on a bench with long purple hair, tied up respectively in a pony tail. This blue-uniformed guard looked at the newcomer, looking the Neko up and down. "So this is what I have today. Pfft." He took the chains to lead him from the other guards and stood up, towering over the tall-for-a-Neko, yet smaller man. He made sure the guards left before he tugged the Neko along. "I'd better keep you near my hold.... Wouldn't want you jumped." He says boredly, leading the Neko deeper into the block.

The Neko's ears twitched in annoyance at the man's attitude. "I highly doubt I'll be mugged." He murmured, following the guard. His tail swished as he walked, and he could feel eyes from all areas of the hall raking across him, making him slightly uncomfortable.

"Mugged? You'd be lucky only to be only mugged here." The purple haired guard said, the prisoners starting hooting and whistling around them as the Neko walked through their midst. "You're the finest piece of ass these animals have seen since they've landed here. Mugging is the least of your worries." The man said, a prisoner reaching towards the Neko's tail and getting his hand slapped away by the seemingly bored guard.

"I know how to take care of myself, I'll be fine." The dark haired man growled lowly at the other prisoners, very annoyed by their catcalling (ha, get it?) and other actions. He sighed angrily when of course, the whistles didn't stop.

The guard led him past the filled cells to a quieter end with less inmates. "Welcome to Block C. This is your cell, cell 34. If a guard, warden, or anyone important needs you, your secondary name will now be C34. Answer to it if called, blah blah blah.... Lunch is in a few hours and you can call for me if you need something. My dorm per say is literally right there.... Don't keep me up all night." He says, pushing the Neko lightly into a clean and decent cell, unlocking the chains that restricted him, and walked out, closing the bars behind him.

The Neko nodded at what the guard had said, and looked around at the small cell. There wasn't much to look at, it was pretty small. He started to wonder if he was supposed to have a cell mate or not, but he doubted that he would, being so small compared to everyone else. There were two men sharing a cell across the hall from him, whistling at him and making suggestive comments. He shuddered and laid on his new bed, pulling the covers over him completely and hoping to block out the noise.

The guard left and let the new inmate be, going off into the secluded iron door that marked his home in the secluded prison, coming back an hour or so later and pushing a release button and watching carefully as the prisoners left their cells for lunch. He didn't intend for any fights or roughhousing to start up today on his block.

One buffed brute walked to the Neko's cell when the guard's attention was turned away by one of the smaller inmates being pushed around. "Hey lil bitch. Ever been ridden by a real dog before?" He asked with bad grammar, approaching the Neko.

The Neko was putting his shoes on on the edge of his bed, since he had taken them off after climbing into bed to be more comfortable. He looked up at the buff man, hissing. "Please don't address me as a 'bitch'. I'm not female, and I'm not a dog." It was clear he was agitated, and disregarded the man's last comment.

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