Chapter 3

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Xander had just sat and listened. He looked up at Terries as he spoke, and stayed quiet when he was finished talking. The Neko sat and thought for a minute, but then it hit him. Had Terries picked up the pill bottle from off his desk? "...Did you pick up my medication from off my desk?" He asked quietly after a few minutes.

"Hmm? Yeah." Terries said, breaking away from his thoughts. "How regularly do you need that stuff?" He asks.

"The bottle said twice a day I think." Xander flipped onto his stomach, his arms stretching over Terries's lap.

"Alright." Terries says, yawning slightly. "Did you get lunch?" He asked, probably still tired from his own medications, and not complaining about Xander's position whatsoever.

Xander shrugs. "I don't remember. I'm pretty sure I did..."

"Well if you get hungry I'll go ahead and make something for you." Terries offers.

"Thanks..." Xander rested his head against Terries's hip, closing his eyes, enjoying the guard's warmth. The guard smiled slightly, putting a hand on Xander's shoulder and leaving the Neko be, closing his eyes and leaning back against the couch tiredly.

A few minutes later, Xander's breaths evened out, showing he had fallen asleep. One of the side effects of his new medications was drowsiness, which made him extremely tired. Well, that and he's also a cat, and cats sleep alot too. Terries didn't mind as he relaxed, his absent mindedly starting to pet Xander. The Neko's lips curved up into a smile at the attention, even if he was asleep. That was the first time Xander had actually ever smiled since he had met Terries or arrived at the prison, or since his mother started him on medications. Terries glanced down at Xander, the guard escaping his thoughts to tiredly smile his crooked smile at the neko. He wanted to see Xander really smile he decided, looking at the Neko's peacefully happy slumbering face. A real smile, with him awake. That, Terries decided, was his new goal.

It was only after a few minutes that Xander's smile faded from his peaceful expression. In his sleep, he was reliving the horrifying event that took place just minutes ago. He was trembling once more, and he seemed to curl up to Terries's side and hug his waist tightly. Terries frowned lopsidedly, unsure of wether to wake him or leave him be, but as he noticed Xander's trembling he carefully freed his waist and stood up, picking up the Neko and carrying him to the bedroom, gently putting him down on the soft bed. Xander had nuzzled Terries's chest lightly when he was lifted off the couch. Once on the bed, and the covers were pulled over him, he curled up and pulled Terries down onto the bed with him, holding onto the guard's shirt.

Terries stiffened when he was pulled down but relaxed as he noticed Xander was still asleep. Carefully he moved so he was laying on the bed beside Xander, pulling the smaller to him carefully and hoping his nightmare would be chased away as he wrapped his arms around the Neko.

Xander snuggled Terries's side, his arm slipping around the others waist. It was only a few minutes later that the Neko had stopped trembling and somewhat released his tight grip, but still held onto the guard, making it impossible for the guard to leave without waking him up. Terries sighed quietly, looking at Xander snuggled to him and wondering if there would be any consequences to this, but deciding that whatever they'd be, they would be unequal to what he was being able to do, he closed his eyes, holding the onto the Neko tiredly.

There was movement under Xander's eyelids, showing he was still dreaming. If he were just even bumped he could be woken up; as he was a light sleeper. He was still, his only movements being the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed, the slight movement lulling the guard easily to sleep, his breathing slowing into a peaceful rhythm as they both sleep peacefully on the soft bed.

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