Chapter 4

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"I'm glad I met you." Xander smiled and nodded. But his smile faltered after a moment. Terries tilted his head. "What's on your mind?" He asks.

"Just... You met me here, and this place is for criminals, who are usually bad people. Does me being here make me a bad person too?" Xander asks, looking down.

"No. That doesn't make you a bad person." Terries says. "That's a thing you learn in prison. Not all the criminals here are bad. There are some who believe they were doing the right thing, some who were just fighting to survive, some who were framed.... The actual only bad people here, however, are people who think, or thought, that by using their strength or money against people, they could have anything they want. You are not one of them."

"...but I attacked someone, willingly. I almost slit their throat without hesitating... I could've killed them, and I almost did without thinking twice. I don't know what that makes me, but I don't think that it's a good thing..." The Neko said, trailing off.

"Did you have a reason behind it?" Terries asks.

"I-I don't know..."

"You don't have to answer my questions if you don't want to." Terries says. "But what all happened? What led up to those two attacks?" He asks.

"Well, the medications I was on affected the way I think and I kinda just... snapped. The one guard who took me to the medical ward put me back on those meds...." The Neko says, putting his ears down slightly.

"That doesn't sound good." Terries says with a frown. "Do you think you'd do better on some other medicine or not on any at all?"

"I would prefer none at all..."

Terries nuzzled him. "Well I don't see the point of taking it if it messes with your head. I have a sister who was on a similar medicine; she stopped taking it after she lashed out twice at our mom and her boyfriend." He says. "Did you take it today?"

Xander shakes his head. "Not today. I haven't really eaten anything today either...."

"How much have you eaten? I noticed the sandwich I have you on your first day was still untouched when they were cleaning the cell." Terries asks sounding worried.

"I've been told I eat like a bird. I just pick around." Xander said.

"That can't be good on you." Terries says. "What will you eat? Tell me and I will make it or get it, just don't skip meals please. I want to make sure you're healthy."

"I'm fine. I've always just nibbled around, my medicine made me lose my apatite alot so I've grown used to it being that way...." Xander says.

"Well, I want to change that." Terries says, kissing Xander's cheek.

Xander sighed and turned in Terries's lap, wrapping his arms around the guard's neck loosely, the conversation over. He wasn't going to argue. Terries started softly kissing all over Xander's face with a small lopsided smile, kissing almost everywhere but the Neko's lips. Xander closed his eyes and smiled, running his fingers gently through Terries's soft hair.

"You're adorable." The guard says, placing a quick soft kiss on Xander's lips. "Do you mind if I just keep you all to myself? You don't have to go outside and I get to keep you here and love on you all day."

"I wouldn't mind that..." Xander said, smiling. The Neko rubbed his head against Terries's cheek, being the giant cat he is, and guard smiled and kissed Xander's head, holding the Neko to him happily while Xander nestled his head under Terries's chin, closing his eyes. Xander hugged Terries tightly, lightly rubbing the top of his head against the guard's chin.

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