The Shane's what now?

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Her peaceful snores were greeted with devastating pause when the sound of footsteps strumming down the stairs shook the entire ceiling.

Her eyelids opened up to an unfamiliar place. Or was it familiar. Maybe she saw it in her dreams once.

She slanted her eyes narrow to decipher the people who were descending the stairs infront of her.

Particularly one person seemed to stand out the most, mostly because of the energetic pace that took them right towards her.

"Morning, Lara."

Her eyes, still in a blur, made out the radiant blue color of someone gazing at her.

Oh right, she was taken hostage.

The memories of yesterday's night flooded back and her limbs took a long stretch before sitting straight on the couch.

"Did you sleep well?"

Well was an understatement. Apparently, cushions are a much more comfortable sleeping material than cold concrete.

She slept like heaven.

"Slept like shit."

Although he didn't need to know that.


His expressions faltered. Seemed to her like she was the only one with a messy bed-hair. His seemed neatly groomed. He seemed neatly groomed.

Which isn't normal since it's eight in the morning. He looked too fresh. It annoyed her.

"Sorry, we didn't have a spare bed. But if you want, you can sleep in Trixie's room next ti-"

A cushion hitting his head halted him to speak further. A grumble escaped his throat and he lightly glared at the people behind him.

"You better not be going there. If it's so important for her to have a bed, you can share your own."

Lara was all but amused to watch the Shane gang in their early morning routine. Everyone seemed half-awake, in their pajamas, and an awfully puffed up red hair to add the cherry on top.

Trixie yawned and threw a glare at the both of them again. "And she better make her own breakfast."

Lara stood up and stretched out again, the others were making their way towards the kitchen.

I might just steal this couch altogether

She made up her mind. The couch was her best friend. She could spend the rest of her day on it.

"Sorta expected the lounge empty this morning, I'm surprised you didn't try to run away."

It would be lying if she said the thought didn't cross her mind once or twice.

Oh but the soft material under her was lulling her to sleep the moment she placed her body on it.
Although her mind did drowsily make a to-steal list of items she'd be taking with her if that were the case.

"I would've, but I wouldn't be getting my gold from you then... and there are a lot of pretty stealable things here so I might stick around for a while."

For some reason her words made him humorously smile.

Just what person had the temper to be so extravagantly bright in the morning and be unaffected by her words at the same time?

Right, he's a morning person. They shouldn't be regarded as the same species as us

Even staring at his energy-brimming features made her want to punch his face. Respectfully.

N̶o̶t̶ Yours Sincerely: A Sugterra ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now