The Darkness In Her Soul

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The darkness in her soul; but soul kissed by darkness, only to become a devil's spawn.
Darkness, darkness arises; Darkness set's in, and nothing in sight... nothing but darkness...
In her Soul, shadow kissed; shadow kissed by the light and dark, only to realize she's unique...full of light and dark... poetry of the darkness that has consumed her.... only to realize she's been shadow kissed by the devil and the God themselves...
Her soul is light and dark; a shadow kissed, shadow kissed for a purpose she never thought would be her purpose here on Earth....she was saved from death, saved by darkness and light... that's how she became shadow kissed....
Souls of the darkest hour; soul kissed by the devil, but Soul Kissed By God...
She's shadow kissed....

Soul Kissed By Darkness Poetry Book by Kaylyne Hayford (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now