Devil By Night, Angel By Day

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Devil Within haunts her; Devil by night, Angel by day...the light comes rain...and like acid rain, my skin burned... darkness arises and darkness consumes her...
Night has fallen to dusk; but until dawn approaches, we are monsters in the night...
Angel's, they call to me; Angel by day, devil by night... only to be shadow kissed by shadows and light... until she realized what she was meant to do here on Earth... She has a purpose here.... And so she set out to do what she's meant to do... Change the world and change the way the people see her as from a villain, to a hero.... she's become a better woman... even if the dark side has come through.... Devil by night, Angel by day... everyone has good and bad days...but she's good and bad, meaning she's not perfect, but perfectly one is perfect in this world... Just be you....


Here's my message to everyone:

This world accepts everyone, and everyone accepted the world we know today... just remember, keep dreaming about your biggest dream and make it become a reality....and take action in what you want in life... that's what makes life a little determined and dedicated and inspirational, just to show people that you can do it.... only you have the control of your life, no one else... Take a leap of faith and go for it... don't give up after the first time you failed, get back up, and get out there, begin again!!

Soul Kissed By Darkness Poetry Book by Kaylyne Hayford (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now