Argument ⚠️angst⚠️

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They are 14 in this story
⚠️suicidal attempt,self harm,lack of sleep,lack of eating⚠️

3rd person

Gus and Matt was in a fight and not small little fight a big fight they argued for a hour Gus: "well if your going to be like this we should break up" Gus regret that immediately Matt looked at Gus and ran off crying Gus wanted to run after Matt but Matt used an them self invisible and ran off


I went to Matt house and Boscha answered the door Boscha: "hello Gus where is Matt-Matt" Gus: "they are not with you" Boscha: "they might be with edric but why are you looking for Matt-Matt" Gus: "we where in a bad argument and I don't know why I thought it but I broke up with them" Boscha looked at me shocked and angry but then went to a serious face Boscha: "do you regret breaking up with them" I shook my head fast 3 times Boscha: "okay come on let's hurry up to blight manner" we took maya to and got there as fast as we could we got there and edric opened the door edric: "hey what's going on" Boscha: "is Matt-Matt with you" edric: "no?" Boscha,me and edric kept looking for 2 weeks but we couldn't even find a clue where they where anywhere

Matt POV

I just hid at a place I knew where no one would find me a field of blue illusions flowers they where my favorite flowers because of Gus I didn't think that argument would make him break up with me I went to store and got a knife and started to cut my legs and arms and put bandages so it wouldn't get infected my mind raced with thought Matt mind: (I'm not good enough for Gus he just felt pity for me I was never good for my family edric only is my friend because he felt bad for me) so after 2 weeks of just making my body miserable by not eating or sleeping I decided to end it all when I was about to jump I hear


I see Matt on the railing of a cliff that is right in front off the boiling lake Gus,Boscha and edric: "MATTHOLOMULE" Matt: "I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend,cosine or partner but now you don't have to worry about that" Boscha: "please don't you are the best family I could ask for you always there for me" Boscha,edric and me where sobbing by this point edric: " yeah and you where the best friend I could ask for you made me feel like my emotions weren't alone" Gus: "yeah and you also help me when I felt down I love you I was just angry I love you so much please"  Matt looked back at the lake and went to the safe side to the railing and put on there shoes and walked to us we all hugged them so tight I kissed them and I told them Gus: "I love you and I'm so sorry" Matt: "it's okay and I love you too"

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