Chapter Two

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Chris had the vantage point to see the small pocket knife in the gangsta boy’s hand and he saw him cut the strap on the red-haired girl’s bag. He was running the second the guy took off, earning a few glares as they both worked their way to Central Plaza and past it. Chris could smell the water and feel the temperature change as they reached the water park. It was cooler here and he was surprised to see the rides and the pool full. The guy was rummaging in the bag, then he tossed it aside and ran through the water. The pool had no edges, allowing one to walk in on three sides except the very back where it was nearly five feet deep. There were jets that simulated waves and currents, making it hard to run in jeans. 

Chris saw the man veer for shallower water until he spotted Chris, then went deeper, throwing something in his hand for the evergreen trees to one side. Chris figured he’d get it later, he was more intent on catching the guy. 

The man slipped in four feet of water and went down. Chris lunged for him before he could get his feet under him and take off running again. The cap was tugged off and Chris saw the guy was dark-haired and angry. The man swung a fist but Chris dodged it. 

Chris hauled him up out of the water and people started heading out of the pool. A woman screaming for her little boy distracted Chris because apparently the little boy was Chris as well. The man punched him in the stomach, hard enough to knock the breath out of him. He doubled over, and the guy punched him right in the mouth. Chris tasted blood and tried to shove the man back down, but the man pushed Chris under water.

Chris kicked out, knocking the man back and they wrestled for a few seconds until he pushed Chris under water again, this time hard enough that he hit the bottom of the pool. It dazed him, and the man wrapped both hands around his throat, still holding him under the water.

Chris fought but the man had the advantage of being above the surface. Chris slapped at the man’s hands, but the water slowed his efforts. Just when he thought the man would hold him under until he drowned, the man let go.

Chris’ involuntary reaction was to breathe but he couldn’t and his chest was hurting. The weird thing was he wasn’t floating up until he felt something around his neck that didn’t make sense. It felt like a strap and he couldn’t figure it out. He tried to pull it but it just tightened around his neck. Chris knew he couldn’t hold his breath any longer. But if he breathed in, it would be nothing but water. He fought with whatever was holding him down but it didn’t do any good.

Then suddenly, he felt lips on his and his lungs filled with air. His eyes snapped open and he saw a blurry face surrounded by fiery hair, like a halo. He felt the strap tighten around his throat again and then it was gone and he floated to the surface.

It finally registered the water was cold, he was soaked through and the girl kissing him had been the girl with the red hair. She was frowning. “You okay?”

“Think so…” He shivered. “It’s a little…c-cold for swimming.” His clothes felt heavy now that they were wet and he tried to be careful standing up, so he wouldn’t slip. He felt dizzy and hoped he wouldn’t completely embarrass himself. He saw his brother next to him and almost accepted the helping hand when something hit him in the temple and he fell back in the water.

Jason tried to grab his brother before he fell and slipped in the water. Bree screamed.

Between them, they managed to get Chris above water again, but he was unresponsive. Jason groaned. “Mom is not going to be happy.”

“I’ll go get help.” Bree ran for a building not far away and came back with two men wearing bright yellow shirts. One was carrying the kind of kit a paramedic might have. They helped Jason get Chris completely out of the water and on the grass by the pool. 

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