Chapter Three

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Thursday morning, they all got up and met downstairs for the free continental breakfast offered at the hotel. The seating arrangement had them at two tables. Chris got up for seconds on the homemade waffles with so much syrup that the waffle was actually floating.

“I don’t know how you don’t weigh a thousand pounds,” said Ethan, absently. He was eating his second donut and on his third cup of coffee.

“Well, if I were on another planet, I would, but think on this, if I were on the moon, I’d weigh less. And I’d float off into space, like that astronaut lost forever in the abyss.”

“Thought that was water,” said Jake, eating his cereal and milk.

“I’m not talking about the movie.”

“You used the wrong word,” said Casi, enjoying her own waffle, with a bit less syrup. “You mean the void.”


Ethan sighed. “You two better be glad I’m over my aversion to syrup.” He jumped and frowned at his wife. “Why did you kick me?”

“I didn’t. He did.”

Ethan looked over at his long-time partner. “What?”

“Your aversion to syrup. I seem to remember —”

“I’m sure you suffered too, but I had to smell it for weeks and hear you complain.”

“Excuse me?”

Ethan got up. “I need another donut.”

Catherine grabbed him and made him sit back down.  “No, you don’t.”

“Then I need a real breakfast —” He jumped again.

“I did kick you that time,” snapped Catherine, eating her apple slices.

“So what’s the plan?” asked Chris.

Both tables fell silent and for a moment, they could hear other guests talking softly, the noises from the buffet where people could do their own breakfast. Chris cleared his throat.  “Did I just go deaf?”

Casi pushed her half-eaten waffle away. “I’d rather you didn’t go back. I’m sure there are plenty of things to do and stay clear of the park.”


“You could have died. If your brother and Quinlan’s niece hadn’t followed as fast as they did…” She shuddered. “Too many times, Christopher. Too many times.” She took a breath and fiddled with her fork, like it was the most fascinating thing watching the syrup drip slowly off the fork tines. “When you went to the Lancaster estate…that fool stunt that almost got you killed…too many times.” She shook her head and kept her gaze on the plate.

No one else said anything and Chris shifted in his seat. “I thought the deal was we’d join Dad when we finished college. How is that any different?”

Casi flinched. “I’m not ready for that. I have a few more years before I have to worry about that.” The moment she said it, she realized that wasn’t true. She was already worrying. She scooted her chair back and got up, then headed for the elevator.

Chris sat there for a moment, then got up and ran after her. His dad almost got up to stop him, but Jason was faster. He took off for the stairs. Joe frowned and started to get up anyway, but Catherine shook her head. Joe sat back down and sighed. “Casi —”

“She can’t have it both ways. Either they’re working with you or they’re not. Either they do something safe like be lawyers or doctors or they risk their lives to help people.”

2. Excessive ForceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora